If you have a dog.....

I have an eight year old boxer whose as gentle as a kitten with people - but hates birds and cats and I wouldn't trust him with them at all. I used to have a parakeet and one day, after letting the bird freefly in the house, the bloomin thing wouldn't go back in its cage. Being untamed, [a Rosetta] it was impossible to catch, so I had to leave it sitting on top of the curtains for the night - as I had done many times before.

Sadly, the bird came down - and the dog caught it. Shook it. Feathers everywhere and the bird died of fright. [Who wouldn't?] So no - I would not trust my dog around any small fluffy creature.
We have lots of dogs here. 4 pugs, 1 Boston terrier, and 1 pit bull. The pit bull is fine with the chickens, and I don't think the pugs would bother them. Then there is the Boston terrier. She has killed two chickens on two different occasions. She lives to get at the chickens. I think if there is a next time, I'm going to zip tie the dead chicken to her collar, and let her drag it around for a while. I am also considering an electric fence around the chicken yard about her height. Something has to be done, I don't want to bury any more chickens! If anyone has any suggestion please share.
I have two Jack Russels... one of whom used to snuggle up with a bantam rooster when she was a puppy. Later, when a big Wyandotte Roo decided to make her his mission, and we figured he was going to get what he asked for (a terrier versus a roo - can you imagine? It was never ending) She knew not to kill him, and he just couldn't leave her alone - it was like a daily Mexican standoff. Eventually the roo wacked one neighbor kid too many and went to the great white freezer camp, but now that particular dog starts to vibrate as only a terrier can when the hens get into a tiff... and she loves helping to herd them in at night. The other terrier and DH's hunting dog (wirehaired griffon pointer) understand that the chickens are simply none of their business, and treat the birds as if they really don't exist.
I sadly have recently lost 2 chickens to my dog also. The second one was day before yesterday. It was awful! I increased security in my run by covering the entire top with poultry netting. I had wires that I didn't think they could fly out of but I guess I was wrong. Now, I know for sure no one can fly out of the run. It's a hard way to learn. I said if anything else happens that I will give my sweet chickens away to prevent losing any more. I have 3 dogs and one that barks like mad whenever we got into the run. He was not the one that got both chickens though. It was the one who paid the least attention to them.
I have two Mini Aussies and they are FABULOUS around chickens! One even helps me herd lost babies back into the coop.

The younger Lab mix has never killed one, but she showed a lot more interest - bird dog thing, I guess. I keep them cooped when I'm not there when she's around. When I'm there, however, she has not gone after them. Just don't totally trust her alone yet, she's only two, perhaps when she's older? But when her "dad" takes the Lab mix on a ride, my Mini Aussies are welcome to roam the back yard along with all my chickens. Five years, no incidents. (The Lab mix also has not killed anyone, but I had to "claim" the chickens and keep her from hyperfocusing - see past episode of the DOG WHISPER show where he addresses how to do this with your dog!)
My Chester was a great chicken dog: half German Shepard and half collie. We had him since he was a pup-in a suburb of Chicago and only in the past two years was he a country dog. He had been used to being on a chain in our tiny back yard to being able to roam free on our 17 acres. We started with chickens last April. Chester took to them like he took to everything else in the country: GREAT! He was my main helper when I needed to round up our hens and rooster. All I had to say was "Chester, get the chickens" and he would start barking and herding them back towards their coop. Never once did he try to bite them or touch them. He just knew what mom wanted and did it! I loved the time in the mornings when I would go out to feed our little cluckers. I'd open the coop door to grain them, and if a couple got loose, I'd call Chester over (he was always with me) and he would do his job. I wouldn't have to do anything but close the door.

Unfortunately, we lost my 4-legged best friend almost 2 weeks ago. He was 13 years old and I guess he wanted to be able to roam the 17 acres without pain. I know I sure do miss my little chicken herder! It is so hard to herd up my feathered friends without Chester! He is truly missed! I really think our rooster misses chasing him a bit too!
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Great stories and pictures of chicken loving dogs, but has anyone had any succes breaking a chicken killer? I'm looking for some successful teqhinques. How about it chicken lovers.

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