if you've received new chickies


10 Years
Mar 1, 2009
craig county, VA
from Mcmurray already, did they send you a free exotic? If so, what did you get?
Mine are coming week of Feb. 8, I'm just wondering .............
I ordered last year from them they sent me a wyndott I think as I had ordered those and had an extra, all though we had 3 extras in all one was dead on arrival we lost 2 more before they were 2 or 3 weeks they are all beautiful birds. I am about to order some more soon from them.
they are addictive:D
hey ChickenCat, I was thinking of getting some black australorps... I see you have some do you like them? are they friendly I have grand daughters that love to pick up my chickens..my 7year old grand daughter is great with them.
I like my BAs. I only have a few that I can pickup that are content to be held, one that would prefer to be carried always! they are not flighty and are under my feet constantly. the rooster is a gentleman tohis girls and to me. I guess if they had been handled more as chicks more of them would be acceptable to being picked up.
last year in my order they sent one extra BA and as the exotic, a polish roo. all were in great shape! The polish roo as he grew up, was blindsided so many times, I found him a new home. I have the bedroom ready for this year's batch as we build the outside brooder. Yes, addictive they are!
Like it been said on here many,many times. BUILD IT BIGGER than you think you need. You WILL need more space next year!
We have two orders coming the week of Feb 8 from Murray McMurray. So, we will get two free exotics
I'm hoping they are something neat. Good luck to you too!!
We just got our chicks from McMurrary lastnight! Was in bed, sound asleep and the phone rang at 10:30 pm. We drove 30 mins away to get them and OMG.. soooo worth the drive LOLOL

Here's a free little fella...

did some looking and it looks like he/she will be a Silver Polish! My daughter has claimed this one as hers and its only fitting... she raises Polish Rabbits LOLOL


These are our New Hampshire Reds and our Rhode Island Reds. They even threw in an extra RIR male for us YAY

So far, I am very pleased with them can't wait to see how they turn out!!!!
We got the call yesterday morning that our fuzz butts were at the post office, so my husband and one son went to get them while the other son and I finished getting everything ready. We got ours from Murray McMurray and have 16 cornish x, 6 EEs, 4 blue silkies (3 cuz 1 didn't make it), 5 black austras, 5 jersey giants, and 5 light brahamas. They are all sooooooooo cute!! Here's a pic of the exotic...we've named it Charlie after Charlie Brown because it doesn't seem to fit in with the rest of the peeps and is kind of a loner. It loves to sit in our hands and fall asleep...very sweet little bird!!! I think it's a bantam as it's about the size of the silkies.


Any ideas what it is?

Here's everyone before we unloaded them all into the brooders. If you look just to the left side of the divider, the little tan bird between the two cornish x's...that's our little exotic chick that is in the first pic.

Chickenplucker- your exotic chick looks like some of ours we got from Ideal. We think they are porcelain D Uccles. They are very pretty.

Here is a picture of ours at about 2 weeks or so, the D Uccles are at the top right, and on the left.



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