Illinois Newbie


In the Brooder
9 Years
Mar 16, 2010
Hey all!

I'm just starting to get into backyard chickens. My wife and I have been trying to move in a more self reliant direction and this is going to be one of our first steps. We've been doing a lot of research and with the help from this site and some others we're starting to gain some confidence that we might be able to succeed.

Hailing from the Metro East area in Illinois if anyone knows of good breeders in this area I'd love some contact info. Looking at starting with either Barred Plymouth Rocks or Buff Orpingtons. I'm looking to have a flock of around 5 hens. I'd love to have a guinea to add to the flock. I'd like to be able to start out with more mature hens due to the work schedules my wife and I'd be fairer to the chickens trust me.

I love the site and the folks here seem to be pretty cool and knowledgable.
Whispering Winds- I'm in the Belleville area...St. Clair Co.
Whispering Winds- I know where all those places are!
My folks live in Centralia, and my father used to preach at the Lutheran Church in Greenville. My grandma lives in Litchfield so I'm familiar with the area. If you have any leads of anyone wanting to get rid of some more mature hens in the next few months keep me in mind please!

I've been cruising the Illinois thread. This whole site is pretty righteous.

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