
Hey there!

Just wanted to say hello to all my fellow Illinois Chicken fanatics!
I'm new to BYC, and am in the coop planning stages of getting a flock started. I'm currently in Edelstein, IL, which is right in the Chilicothe/Dunlap/Speer area, just outside of Peoria. When I was about 10 years old, I worked for a farmer cleaning rabbit hutches and chicken coops. Needless to say, I ended up getting chickens, ducks, a goose and a goat from him to raise on my own. Sadly, I had to find homes for all of them when I went away to school, except for the goose, who my mom had fallen in love with.

Now here I am, married with a 5 year old daughter and a 10 year old son of my own, and I think it's time for chickens to re-enter my life. It's been a long time, though, so I find myself reading a lot of articles to try and brush up on my chicken knowledge. Though truthfully, nothing teaches better than hands-on experience. I am ordering 7 pullets from MPC for the estimated delivery time of July 15th. I would of ordered them to come sooner, but we are going away for 10 days in May and a week in June, so I thought it best to wait until we would be home with no plans of going anywhere. Plus it gives us plenty of time to work out the coop before they arrive. I am ordering a Barred Plymouth Rock, a Rhode Island Red, a Buff Orpington, a Light Brown Leghorn, an Australorp, and x2 Easter Eggers.

Now I just need to figure out a coop design I like. I've already found several based on other peoples coops, but it's hard coming up with a plan for my husband to follow. My husband is okay so long as he has a plan to follow. Good thing his dad is helping him with this, as his dad is more crafty with carpentry. I just want to make sure the girls have plenty of room and room to add more chickens in the next couple years.

Really looking forward to getting Chickens again!
and to the Illinois thread!! It sounds like you are doing everything right! Planning ahead and coming here to BYC will put you in a great position when your flock arrives!
Welcome to BYC greeneggsand spam (love your name!) I just know you'll have a ball with planning for
and then raising your chickens!
Hey there!

Just wanted to say hello to all my fellow Illinois Chicken fanatics!
I'm new to BYC, and am in the coop planning stages of getting a flock started. I'm currently in Edelstein, IL, which is right in the Chilicothe/Dunlap/Speer area, just outside of Peoria. When I was about 10 years old, I worked for a farmer cleaning rabbit hutches and chicken coops. Needless to say, I ended up getting chickens, ducks, a goose and a goat from him to raise on my own. Sadly, I had to find homes for all of them when I went away to school, except for the goose, who my mom had fallen in love with.

Now here I am, married with a 5 year old daughter and a 10 year old son of my own, and I think it's time for chickens to re-enter my life. It's been a long time, though, so I find myself reading a lot of articles to try and brush up on my chicken knowledge. Though truthfully, nothing teaches better than hands-on experience. I am ordering 7 pullets from MPC for the estimated delivery time of July 15th. I would of ordered them to come sooner, but we are going away for 10 days in May and a week in June, so I thought it best to wait until we would be home with no plans of going anywhere. Plus it gives us plenty of time to work out the coop before they arrive. I am ordering a Barred Plymouth Rock, a Rhode Island Red, a Buff Orpington, a Light Brown Leghorn, an Australorp, and x2 Easter Eggers.

Now I just need to figure out a coop design I like. I've already found several based on other peoples coops, but it's hard coming up with a plan for my husband to follow. My husband is okay so long as he has a plan to follow. Good thing his dad is helping him with this, as his dad is more crafty with carpentry. I just want to make sure the girls have plenty of room and room to add more chickens in the next couple years.

Really looking forward to getting Chickens again!
Glad to see ya here!!! Always nice to see another Illinois Chicken Fan on the thread. I personally am a Chicken Addict and have several eggs in the incubator with call ducklings in the brooder as we speak. You are about 45 mins from me :) Make sure you post pics of your coop and chickens once they are ready!! We love pics

Again Welcome and I look forward to talking with you more!!
Thanks for the warm welcomes on this soon to be snowy night, everyone!

Looks like Central to Northern Illinois will be getting at least a few inches of snow tonight/morning. I'm thinking it's winter's last hurrah before Spring starts to have her way with the weather. Can't wait for my boys (husband, son, and dad-in-law) to get started on coop building once things thaw out. And to go on vacation before the chicks arrive. It's going to be the best Spring and Summer ever! I mean a new coop, a little gardening, Disney World, Wisconsin Dells, and then baby chicks!!! SO excited!

Do any of the Central Illinois BYC people ever get together to talk chicken? Wonder who might be closest to me here in Edelstein.
GreenEggsNSpam, I hope this is winter's LAST Hurrah!

About 2 years ago a member did host a get together (I was not able to attend) but I heard it was a nice one. And last year a member who owns a farm where they have things for sale, had an open house and invited us all to some (Again, I was unable to go).

So, yes. People have had get-to-gathers.

So, as much as winter is trying to keep it's hold on us, I have defied it and have babies that hatched a bit ago. NotAFarm claimed a swap of Cayuga eggs for me and they hatched just a few days ago.....

Poor babies had a tough start.

The eggs (5 in all) were gathered but not mailed right away because of the cold....when they were shipped they ended up staying the night at the PO.

As soon as they were delivered they were put inside to warm...then set in the Incubator. Well they were supposed to hatch around Mondy or Tuesday....Tuesday the owner of the incubator has a trip to go one (planned a while ago) so the incubator was brought north to me (the owner has this cool inverter thing allowing the incubator to be pluged in on the way)

So.....they arrive at my house on Tuesday tiny pip in #1 and a pip in #2...the 2 other eggs? Nothing.

Thursday morning Pip #2 hatched......
Pip one? NOTHING
Egg #3 has a tiny hold piped through.

I come home from work on Thursday to snag baby out....I snagged egg #1 also.
Baby has a small amount of sticky stuff on her (yes they are all "her".... Ahem......HER)

Egg #1 is alive so I make a tiny hole in it so the baby could breath.

Egg#3 has not progressed, and I notice that the hole is entirely crusted over and dried. I use a cotton swab and water to loosen it...after doing this a few times (over several hours) Egg #3 finially hatches. The baby is covered in sticky stuff and is not "fluffing out".

Egg #2 does not make it.

Egg #4....NOTHING.

So, after cleaning hatchling #2 quite a few more times over several hours... she is starting to look like a viable baby

Met Big and her little sister, Little.

They day they Little hatched:

This is how they look today (I do not know how to post the video other then this way) :

Thank you for sharing the videos of your new babies, tbitt! Cayuga ducks are my favorites! SO cute! I had both them and Pekin ducks when I was a kid.

Also love your horses in your profile pic! I had two horses growing up and did both English and Western riding. My 5 year old girl (she'll be 6 this year) has had a thing for horses the moment she met one. After begging me for a year, we started her on her riding lessons this past fall, but we had to stop for the winter. She'll be starting back up in Spring, though. She's really doing great! She seems to love grooming the horses just as much as riding them.
If she keeps this up I might get her a horse of her own in a few years, but I want to be certain this is a passion she'll stick with for a good long while. But I think it's in her blood. Guess we'll see.

The snow sure is beautiful today, but that doesn't mean I'm not ready for Spring. Spring is my favorite season! Love seeing everything come back alive and warm up. And the birds singing again.
I need to get better pictures. The little one keeps looking better and better each day.

I don't know if you could watch the videos, but in them you can clearly see their bald patches on their backs. That is where the sticky stuff was still on them. Evidently I did not wash them well enough for them Because they preened their fuzz off trying to get the rest of the sticky stuff off!

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