
Cookie misses her chicks and made it through the day. She kind of stayed away from the flock elders & spent a lot of time in the coop. I tried to give her a few secret treats to lift her mood. Poor dumb bird kept making the "treat" call. You know the noise the mama hen makes to call the chicks over for food. Well it worked & the other chickens came over & pushed her away from the treats. Perhaps she was hoping her chicks would come running... On the bright side, she doesn't seem to be unhappy with me, and I did see her eat & drink alright. I think she'll be back to normal in a day or two.

Biele Update:
My Bielefelders have finally started laying. I got 3 mini pullet eggs in the last 4 days. (from 3 biele pullets) They just turned 25 weeks. I'm guessing they're from the Bieles since the orps will likely take longer.

BTW- I noticed that Bielefelders make all kinds of unique noises? I swear one of the hens is growling at me. At least that's what it sounds like. Then there's another that "honks" at me. I believe the "Honking" is her way of announcing "Treats are comin!" or it's just her way of begging.

"Hen Solo" in a tree.

Chew-BAWK-a looking cute.

The roo has only crowed a handful of times. The orp roos seem to take care of most of the crowing & mating. The Biele roo's pretty smart, though.

Each night I take the boys off the roost & put them to bed in the garage. That way they can crow away & no one will hear them until I let them out. Anyway, the biele doesn't like being carried. When he sees his brothers being carried away, he usually jumps off the roost. (Makes it easier for me to bend down & pick him up off the ground, rather than reach up & take him down. Because I find it helpful, he tends to get moved last.) Today I finished the chicken count & moved the 2 orps, but Biele was no where to be seen. I checked both runs & the coop. Then I saw him in the garage. He walked all the way over to the "rooster box" & was waiting to be put inside.
Congratulations on the new layers! :) and so sorry for Cookie. The chicks are doing great they all get loving several times every day and we're already making guesses about which are boys and which are girls. I love the tiny chick stage but at the same time I'm dieing to know what they'll look like as adults and how many are pullets.
The little white one is definitely getting some black feathers I wonder if they'll stick or not :)
Congratulations on the new layers!
and so sorry for Cookie. The chicks are doing great they all get loving several times every day and we're already making guesses about which are boys and which are girls. I love the tiny chick stage but at the same time I'm dieing to know what they'll look like as adults and how many are pullets.
The little white one is definitely getting some black feathers I wonder if they'll stick or not
As a chick, Princess had a few gray specks in her yellow down. All her feathers came in white, though. In the spring we hatched some Princess eggs (Roo was a lav orp) Most of her chicks looked like black orps; some had yellow superman capes, masks, or one with a reverse skunk stripe. I was surprised by the yellow chick in this hatch. Never had one before since the black seemed more dominant. Below are some 1/2 siblings of the yellow chick.

This one was nicknamed "Superhero" b/c of the mask. IMO- It had an annoying personality & peeped like crazy until DD picked her up. (Skittish around everyone else, but DD found it endearing.) Chick ended up going to a home with another girl of same age where it continued to be a fav - but mostly for the little girl. Chick turned out a female, and my DD made a friend. The pullet only comes running when either girl calls. (It's been fun watching a friendship develop via a chicken.) Pullet has all black feathers now. A few white specks around neckline & on "eyebrows."

This one was nicknamed "Jealous" b/c it would fight over DD's attention. Another female with a great personality. Had to quickly sell or give away all nonessential chickens when my mom passed away. This one was hard to see leave.

This was nicknamed "stinky" for the reverse skunk stripe. Never learned the gender.

This was another Princess baby - gender unknown
Such a bad day, I was moving the gold laced chicks and partridge to their outside pen around noon today and noticed some bloody stool in their brooder. My GL cockerel was all fluffed up and head down. I fixed up a batch of the tetroxy antibiotic that I had bought just in case, and put in their water container. I don't believe Tetroxy is for Cocci,(it is more for respiratory issues) so I also jumped online and ordered some Corid cause I read that worked the best. He was fine yesterday when I brought them out and then took them in for the night. Everything I've read says it can happen fast, but didn't think it would go this fast. I took my grandsons for a walk and to the park, and when I came home he was dead. I just feel horrible. Now I am worried about the 2 pullets, I have them on the antibiotic, but hope nothing happens to them. I am going to treat the whole flock when the Corid arrives even though the young chicks were never free ranging with them, but my SL bantam cochin always jumps in their pen in the morning to look for feed they spilt from the day prior. This is my first loss and I am devastated. Is there anything else I should be doing? I tossed out their food and water dish, bleached out their brooder and put in all fresh bedding. Removed all the bedding from their outdoor pen, which went right into a bag into the trash.
Oh my goodness! I'm so sorry for your loss.

Adding extra warmth will help reduce stress. The cold, wet conditions of the last week were miserable. If they have to work to stay warm, then less energy can be put toward healing. You did right by cleaning everything. Make sure to keep any exposed ones separated.

If you have time for a drive, most farm stores carry Corid. I got mine at Farm and Fleet, but you can look online & see if there's a Rural King, Big R, Tractor Supply Store, etc. within driving distance. (You'll get it to them about 2 days sooner & it'll cost less.)

Oh my goodness! I'm so sorry for your loss.

Adding extra warmth will help reduce stress. The cold, wet conditions of the last week were miserable. If they have to work to stay warm, then less energy can be put toward healing. You did right by cleaning everything. Make sure to keep any exposed ones separated.

If you have time for a drive, most farm stores carry Corid. I got mine at Farm and Fleet, but you can look online & see if there's a Rural King, Big R, Tractor Supply Store, etc. within driving distance. (You'll get it to them about 2 days sooner & it'll cost less.)

Thanks, I thought since my Feed store didn't carry it, it was something I couldn't get over the counter. I will do a search for those stores.
(You'll get it to them about 2 days sooner & it'll cost less.) 

You will certainly get it sooner and time does matter if you have a breakout, faster is better... As for the cost that all depends one how close the local store is ;) it cost me about $10 round trip in gas to Farm and Fleet, no savings there... :)

Amprol 128 20% powder is under $20 delivered on Ebay, a good thing to have on the shelf along with a bottle of Tylan 50 and some syringes, a cheap insurance investment...
You will certainly get it sooner and time does matter if you have a breakout, faster is better... As for the cost that all depends one how close the local store is
it cost me about $10 round trip in gas to Farm and Fleet, no savings there...

Amprol 128 20% powder is under $20 delivered on Ebay, a good thing to have on the shelf along with a bottle of Tylan 50 and some syringes, a cheap insurance investment...
I did a search and the rural king is the closest. So I will be heading out the door first thing tomorrow morning. Only about an hours drive. What is the Amprol 128 used for? I don't think I have ever read anything about that one.
I'll have to send you some pictures of the little white one tomorrow because she could lose it in a maturing molt but she is definitely getting a little black feather in on her(we so hope she's a girl) back its so precious. They're all eating and drinking wonderfully and were out and playing on the floor of the sun porch yesterday until they started to get a bit chilled. The little one with the head spot is almost certainly a boy he seems to have more comb already but that could be the bright yellow color of it. Either way he seems very chill and craves attention also the one with the brown tint just is so curious and actually got on the edge of the brooder via their water yesterday. Needless to say their water got moved. I am still getting to know them all of course especially the little orps. I have lots of guesses on them but mostly I've no idea. One of the little orps does have an obsession with my finger and toenails, apparently they're very intriguing. Even though they're not painted at the moment even after pecking/missing a thousand times lol They're all so cute I just can't stand it. :) thank you again so much for our babies.

On a side note Twitch our mildly naughty roo has been doing very well. :) no pecking though every once in a while you have to urge him on more because he'll do dominance displays. Crowing Dancing ruffling all his feathers flapping. He still hasn't done anything but a run and a peck.

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