
Okay so after morning chores I tried to get some pics of the chicks and wow black chicks are hard to photograph, I suppose it makes sense just like black cats and dogs. Your daughter's favorite is especially hard because she doesn't have any white marks to differentiate that black blob that shows in the pictures lol. Anyway these are some of the best ones I got:
the first two are your daughters favorite


The next three are the white chick. In the first picture you can see a small black speck of down above her left eye as well as a half black tail feather coming in. In the second picture you can see the black feather that has come in on her back/shoulder region. She(hopefully) also has a few other black specks in her down though quite small they seem to be growing every few days.



The next photos are of the first suspected little roo(EE)


The next chick is my mother's favorite, one of the orps(also hopefully a girl)


The next photo is a picture of another little orp I suspect may also be a little roo

The next pic is the last orp that I think may be a pullet. Followed by a couple group shots.
Tragedy stuck when I checked on the chickens this morning. I found a dead orp chick with its head missing! So now I'm wondering what happened. This is the 2nd time I've ever had a chick die. (Out of more than 400 chicks over the past 7 years!)

So now I'm wondering what happened. My best guess is that "something" pulled the chick out through the wire. Cage was not damaged. Mommy hen & other chicks were fine inside the cage. I found a small hole (perhaps mouse) in the sand of the run, or It could have been a hen or roo. Which is more likely?
So sorry for your loss!!!
The hole in your coop and loss may be unrelated, it could be a hole from a chipmunk. Raccoons will pull a head through chicken wire and bite it off. I almost lost a chicken this way, now my entire run is hardware cloth on the lower 2 feet rather than chicken wire.
we have had a recent influx of small weasel (stoat or short-tail?) in our area and there have been killings. I wouldn't have believed it, but my neighbor saw it in her coop. I lost three chickens to one. In my limited experience they tend to kill as much as they can, very wasteful. I think the rat hole suggestion is another possibility. You may need to dig down and line wire underneath the coop.
Thanks again for all the pics. It's amazing how quickly they grow those feathers. I still think DDs fav is the prettiest.
We had one last year with a similar feather pattern. Look how she changed. (This was Omelet who now resides with another BYC member.) Omelet's dad was an EE who hatched from a pink egg & her mom was a golden barnyard sussex mix that laid brown eggs. Omelet grew up to lay dark green eggs (probably from the dad's genes).

The other EE is getting barring, so I feel confident that he's a boy. The mom has a small crest, so perhaps that will also pass along to him.

So sorry for your loss!!!
The hole in your coop and loss may be unrelated, it could be a hole from a chipmunk. Raccoons will pull a head through chicken wire and bite it off. I almost lost a chicken this way, now my entire run is hardware cloth on the lower 2 feet rather than chicken wire.
we have had a recent influx of small weasel (stoat or short-tail?) in our area and there have been killings. I wouldn't have believed it, but my neighbor saw it in her coop. I lost three chickens to one. In my limited experience they tend to kill as much as they can, very wasteful. I think the rat hole suggestion is another possibility. You may need to dig down and line wire underneath the coop.
Yes. I have found 3 small holes (quarter-sized) since June. No other chicks were lost. I believe I may have a hungry mouse looking for a meal. Why the hens don't kill it is beyond me. Before building the coop, I lined the perimeter with patio stones (they go down 16-18"), filled it with sand, & then built the frame of the run. After that, we used hardware cloth.

It's possible the stones have shifted leaving gaps. Are chipmunks, mice, & rats harmful to poultry? I do not believe I had a weasel b/c it was only one loss.
You're welcome. They're all beautiful. I hope she does turn out like that one. She's beautiful. Do you think her mother was an EE then not the ccl?
I can't wait to see how they'll all turn out.
I think the little boy with the head spot is getting barring but right now all he has is white tips on his feathers.
Need help guys, my partridge has blood in her poop now. She has been on the Corid for almost 2 days now. Could it be worms or something else? Should I start wazine?
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Need help guys, my partridge has blood in her poop now. She has been on the Corid for almost 2 days now. Could it be worms or something else? Should I start wazine?

Emergencies / Diseases / Injuries and Cures

Soo sorry to hear your chickens are sick and the other loss.

Emergencies / Diseases / Injuries and Cures

Soo sorry to hear your chickens are sick and the other loss.

I did and also posted on Indiana thread and FB Poultry pages, hoping to hear something from someone. I did mix up some wazine and gave her 2 dropper fulls. I don't know what else to do.
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