
Here is my case of frostbite on AL, poor guy. From now on, I am not giving them the option to leave the covered run on such cold days. The other 3 roos have nothing.

How old are your roo's? mine are from June and I keep expecting them to fight or over tax the hens. So far they get along and the hens tell them when they have had enough LOL
Mine hatched on April 12th. They never even raised a hackle feather toward each other or a human.
Poor guy is right I'll try to get some pictures of Mickey and Nugget's tomorrow. Mickey's has blistered I read that's good it protecting the still living tissue, so I'm hoping his isn't as bad as it looks. Nugget got quite a bit I think he's gunna lose all his points
Our winters can be hard on our single combed friends. We have gone to raising more ameraucanas and wyandottes to lessen the chance of frostbite. We do still raise some single combed breeds, but we also heat our chicken building to prevent frostbite and frozen eggs. Nothing but spoiled birds and caretaker here. I don't like dealing with the cold or frozen water!
How are your wyandottes as far as friendly and being good with a mixed flock? We have some silver laced wyandottes but they kind of bully our mixed flock and they're not very friendly. Perhaps it's just the strain? I love the looks of them but I don't want them to bully the other birds.
How are your wyandottes as far as friendly and being good with a mixed flock? We have some silver laced wyandottes but they kind of bully our mixed flock and they're not very friendly. Perhaps it's just the strain? I love the looks of them but I don't want them to bully the other birds.
x2 I want to know. I love the look of laced birds, but I've heard mixed reviews about wyandottes.
We have not had any trouble with our blue laced red wyandottes. They were in a pen with all our marans and a few other misc. hens .They all got along fine. We have since seperated the marans off to hatch eggs. The wyandottes are pretty easy going. They are pretty to look at, but I am partial to the marans, but I am an egg girl. I love those dark eggs. Then I would probably have to pick my turkens. I love those naked necks and they are so sweet. Our Ameraucana roosters are more aggressive towards outsiders than the wyandottes.

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