
ChicagoClucker- Yes. I know that bittersweet feeling well. Thor is a beauty. Be happy knowing that they went to a loving home, and now you have another new friend.

I had a great morning because I was able to visit some of the chickens we sold last summer. I sold my extra Bielefelders to a nice family. We were invited to visit their coop & saw how well they're doing. Their Biele roo is that perfect example of gentleman & protector. He has a funny low pitched crow that didn't carry far. (Oh how I miss my Bielefelder roo!) The kids played well together and I just have to say that chicken people are awesome!
Thanks guys! Spent some time outside removing some plastic from the runs, and seems AL and Mick, are running around like, THEY ARE ALL OURS! LOL They better calm down, and I better get them in their own pens with their ladies asap. Who was it that wanted the Sussex Cockerel? @chickendreams24 Are you still interested? Time for young crowing Sussex to go.
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Thanks guys! Spent some time outside removing some plastic from the runs, and seems AL and Mick, are running around like, THEY ARE ALL OURS! LOL They better calm down, and I better get them in their own pens with their ladies asap. Who was it that wanted the Sussex Cockerel? @chickendreams24 Are you still interested? Time for young crowing Sussex to go.
can't believe he is crowing already.
Wow he's crowing already? Yes I had mentioned it sorry I haven't spoke of it since I think DH2B is pretty shell shocked with stuff going on here and at work I'll mention it to him again but in the mean time if you have someone else interested that will give him a good home I would absolutely be fine with that too.
@Junibutt , I couldn't believe it either. He actually began about 2 weeks ago. Apparently, Speckled Sussex mature quickly, his tail feathers are growing so fast and he has more than doubled in size since I got him. He has to go!!!!

@chickendreams24 Hope everything is ok, I am going to probably just bring him back to the feed store.
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Thank you. Yeah I'm sorry it is probably best but I think we'd all like to see some pictures of him. Just busy with family stuff and DH2B getting ready to be in the fields and all. I'm sure you know how busy life can be.
Day 21 of test hatch. No external pips yet but hear chicks cheeping. I have been up all night watching the incubator but I don't think I can sleep now
Hello fellow Illinoisans,
I don't know why it just now dawned on me to call out instead of lurk as I usually do, but here goes. I have been searching daily on Craig's List for chicks near us in varieties we are looking for. I now believe that if all of Illinois was swallowed up in a sink hole it might not be missed for a couple days. The closest I come is Kansas City an Cincinnati for good quality chick postings. What is up with the lack of chickens here?!

We have had chickens for eighteen years now through raising our two oldest kids. Well, we had one late and she is now four. She loves chickens and collecting eggs. We would like a colorful egg basket and so are looking for Marans, Barnevelders, Welsummers and Ameraucanas to fill that. We are also looking for Chanteclers and more Sussex chickens. We have some old Overton Sussex chickens but they are getting old. Sussex are our favorite chickens by far of all the breeds we have had over the years.

We kind of thought if we got some new varieties we are unfamiliar with we could discover them with our youngest with new eyes. Any help you can give me would be appreciated. We don't really want to drive for hours and hours out of state but if we have to so be it.
Well I'm in south central WI our local feed store is getting a lot of chicks on March 30th including speckled Sussex. If you wanted someixed color silkie chicks I could hatch you some probably. I will also have EE mix pullets and some silver laced wyandotte pullets later on this year if you'd be interested but they are by no means show quality. I do however realize that they're not on your list. If you're interested I would suggest looking up farm and fleet in Janesville Wisconsin and seeing if they have anything you'd be interested in ordering. The chicks come from Cackle hatchery and we were very impressed with their health last spring when we ordered from farm and fleet last year. We have two buff Orpingtons from them and they do amazing at laying and they're big sweet birds. They also lay 6-7 days a week. HTH

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