
Well my last broody finally hatched her chick. She has her out for a bit.
I figured I would share some better pics of my black OEGB trio.
Here is Charmaine. She is the sweetest! She always comes up to me and is prefectly content to sit in my hand or my shoulder.

And here is Sir Nicholas with Myrtle making a cameo.

I love this breed!!

They're beautiful! I have some OEGB as well a black pair that are supposed to be from show lines. They look good to my eyes but I don't show. They do make me drool though would love to know how they stack up to your trio or birds you've had in the past. I also have a self blue hen though her comb is wrong. She had perfect feet but broke a toe as a chick.


This is my Minnie and Mickey.


This is Crocket


This is Minnie again. Please excuse her naked spots and the egg on her face lol she was molting and enjoying a hard boiled egg snack.

They are beautiful! This is my first time with OEGBs and I received them in a batch of mixed chicks from another BYCer. As of now they are just for fun but next year one of my kids might try to show them at the fair for 4H.

Wow! Crocket is stunning!

Thank you both! Yes Crocket is beautiful especially now that she's out of molt. Crocket Minnie and Mickey all molted together early this summer and looked ridiculous! Not one of them had a tail feather lol. I need to snap some pics now that they are done molting they're all such lookers. :) They're also very very sweet especially Minnie and Crocket they just crave attention and loving. I've had many people interested in them but I won't sell them. Their babies sure. Sadly Crocket's comb is folded over so she's not a show girl but I think if we straightened that out her offspring could be. We currently have some chicks if hers and Mickey's.(separate from the breeding of Minnie and Mickey of course) I'm hoping to breed some more self blues and maybe Mickey's wonderful comb will pass on.


She looks like a grumpy bird in this picture but she's not she's a very sweet girl. I think usually her floppy comb I looks like she has a hat or a flower on her head. Lol she has a ton of personality in a very tiny package.
Thank you both! Yes Crocket is beautiful especially now that she's out of molt. Crocket Minnie and Mickey all molted together early this summer and looked ridiculous! Not one of them had a tail feather lol. I need to snap some pics now that they are done molting they're all such lookers.
They're also very very sweet especially Minnie and Crocket they just crave attention and loving. I've had many people interested in them but I won't sell them. Their babies sure. Sadly Crocket's comb is folded over so she's not a show girl but I think if we straightened that out her offspring could be. We currently have some chicks if hers and Mickey's.(separate from the breeding of Minnie and Mickey of course) I'm hoping to breed some more self blues and maybe Mickey's wonderful comb will pass on.

She looks like a grumpy bird in this picture but she's not she's a very sweet girl. I think usually her floppy comb I looks like she has a hat or a flower on her head. Lol she has a ton of personality in a very tiny package.
Is Mickey split to lavender (self blue) or pure black?
Pure black. I plan to take a cockeral back to Minnie and see how they turn out. I may also consider getting some more lavs but they seem quite hard to find. I would also like to try and find another black pullet or two but I need to be sure it's worth my time selling for show or even just as pets because of course I can't keep them all. I know the breeder I got Minnie and Mickey's eggs from regularly gets 150-250 for pairs and trios. I totally love my OEGB we also had a bbr cockeral from tractor supply but rehomed him after he started trying to fight the other cockerals constantly. He now has like 13-17 big ladies all to himself. He never really liked the other bantam girls much. Mickey has never picked a fight with any other roo or cockeral that I've seen. He won't back down but he just asserts his dominance and is done with it. He is also incredibly good and patient with chicks, although it was our silkie roo, Kramer(taken by a predator) that adopted and cared for chicks after their mother was taken by the same predator. I believe that as long as we have enough hens we will always have multiple cockerals/roos. We have 6 or so boys just reaching maturity that don't fight. Are we planning to keep them all? Heck no a couple of them we are lining up homes for and two of them will probably end up in the freezer. Plus Mickey. But we have the space for them to spread out and be away from each other naturally. I will say that yesterday when they were out we had a coyote show up and after Mickey sounded the alarm all the boys took up the call and crowded the girls around me and the coop that was awesome to see. Then for the rest of the evening they remained spread out around the girls at the edges of the yard on alert. It was a very cool thing to see. In truth probably more than just two will go to the freezer but I have one in particular that I want to find a home for. If anyone is looking please let me know.

We have white rocks, a cuckoo marans maybe 2, several EE only one is mature, a salmon faverolles boy and I'm sure we will identify more as time goes on. Lol
The 3rd trial chicks turned 3 wks old today. Here are some updated pics.
Last night at bedtime

Just a few min ago.

They have no problems running between all the other hens in search of treats. Princess is the alpha hen & none want to mess with her. The other formerly broody hens jump in to help out when they can, but usually get pecked for their kindness.

The 3 white ones are from Junibutt.
The 2 CCLs are from MeepBeep

These chocs are about 20 wks old. (Godiva didn't want her pic taken & kept turning away.)

Brick still looks amazing - even in his silly crow collar.

Here are Trouble's babies- now 12 wks
The 3rd trial chicks turned 3 wks old today. Here are some updated pics.
Last night at bedtime
All the chicks are getting big fast. Adorable!
The broody trio have the babies out dust bathing today. They are almost under the mamas, taking a bath. Too cute to watch.
And snapped an updated pic of Bonnie and Clyde.

The 3rd trial chicks turned 3 wks old today. Here are some updated pics.
Last night at bedtime

Just a few min ago.

They have no problems running between all the other hens in search of treats. Princess is the alpha hen & none want to mess with her. The other formerly broody hens jump in to help out when they can, but usually get pecked for their kindness.

The 3 white ones are from Junibutt.
The 2 CCLs are from MeepBeep

These chocs are about 20 wks old. (Godiva didn't want her pic taken & kept turning away.)

Brick still looks amazing - even in his silly crow collar.

Here are Trouble's babies- now 12 wks
Brick is certainly turning out to be a brick. Everyone else is adorable!

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