
As some of you may know, our family usually does a couple chicken-themed Christmas portraits each year. Well part of what makes it fun is some of the craziness. Here are some pics that will not make it into the Holiday cards.

Christmas Photo Out-takes:
While big Marshmallow was sitting pretty, Trouble decided to play in his hair.

Here DS is scolding Trouble & reminding her not to poop.

Then Marshmallow didn't want to get upstaged by a bantam. She stood up, and as you can see, she's more than a lap-full.

Of course DS still had problems when we moved on to fake birds. (I think it's a boy thing.)

DD shows him how it's done....

As some of you may know, our family usually does a couple chicken-themed Christmas portraits each year. Well part of what makes it fun is some of the craziness. Here are some pics that will not make it into the Holiday cards. [COLOR=B22222]Christmas Photo Out-takes:[/COLOR] While big Marshmallow was sitting pretty, Trouble decided to play in his hair. Here DS is scolding Trouble & reminding her not to poop. Then Marshmallow didn't want to get upstaged by a bantam. She stood up, and as you can see, she's more than a lap-full. Of course DS still had problems when we moved on to fake birds. (I think it's a boy thing.) DD shows him how it's done....
Thank you for sharing I'm sure we could all use a laugh. I'm glad you got some nice pictures I'm also very jealous of you birds posing when half of mine love the camera attention and the other half hate it. The flock got a pumpkin I've been saving them today and so far love it. It's frozen so hopefully it will last them a couple days. Working on getting the house Christmas ready this weekend been crazy around here so this is the first time we've had available. We go to open our brand new tree topper and the darned thing breaks just snaps in two. :( guess we're going to be exchanging that. We also can't find last year's tree skirt and I don't have time to quilt one. Tomorrow weather permitting we are headed out to Grandma's and Mom's to help them decorate. Should be fun. Found to have home made chicken noodle soup with one of our birds. Btw being so busy we of course didn't have time to process any cockerals this weekend. Some of them are massive! Can't wait to see how they dress out plus it's just way too much testosterone on the back side of the coop. We have about 25 boys in there right now so that's a lot of feed. Thankfully they're all quite peaceful except a couple and they aren't bothering the babies or the quail. Still I know they're bored. The got some pumpkin and an apple today and other safe kitchen scraps to play in and scratch for. The flock is doing well in spite of the boredom. No frostbite yet fingers crossed for the next few days. We have home made suet blocks and a few flock blocks and squash etc just in case the pumpkin doesn't last. Hopefully it will. Stay safe and warm everyone please drive safely if you must go. We've gotten a lot of snow today. The wind is whipping through the windows so spare time tomorrow will probably be spent sealing windows. In other news our cats got two mice last night thankfully. They've been in the basement and eating the mortar out of the foundation so the more gone the better still we haven't seen any mice in weeks. Field mice always try to come in for winter if they can. Now if only something would get that rat that we saw that we are certain killed that chick a while back. Way past my bedtime better get to bed. Goodnight all.
@Faraday40 and @ChicagoClucker so sorry for your loss. I have been busy with work so not paying much attention to the forum these days. Both the girls were beautiful!

How are everyone else chicken doing with this sudden change in the weather?
My Clara, poor Clara. Went out to clean the coop and add extra shavings for the cold snap, and there were yellow feathers everywhere. I looked at her and she didn't seem too naked, but when I went out this am, she is as bad as Coco, half naked! Poor timing on her behalf. She is in a nesting box trying to stay warm and away from the others. She will be 4 years old and this is her worst and latest molt. Otherwise, knock on wood, everyone is doing well. Still missing Big Betty every morning, but she will always have a special place in my heart.
Poor named Clara lol I have a buff that just started her molt too. Also my favorite EE Pebbles is still getting feathers in but no longer looks like a porcupine which is good BC she was so miserable and cold.
All my birds did fine it got down to -12 in the coops (outside was -17).. Only the labor day hatch BJG go outside for any length of time.. I think they are getting picked on by the turkeys and roo... shame I didn't get the 3rd hoop coop done and move the turkeys
I have 2 BJG in molt w/bare butts.. also cavemanrich gave me mousse ( who is a CX or at least part cx) , not sure if she is in molt but has sparser feathers than my other CX," little fatty".. mousse doesn't have bugs but I dusted her just incase. .. she seems older than my cx from Good Friday, but maybe she just had a harder life... little Fatty still doesn't like mousse and torments her so they are split up in the little hoop coop... little fatty got picked on too much in the main hoop coop so she picks on who ever she can I guess... the halloween hatch likes moussie and stayed with her during the cold snap... moussie is so good with the chicks, better than any of my other birds.. she is such a sweety...

Got a new layer today!.... and no it's not a quail!

(Above. These are all the eggs I got today.)

Potential new laying pullets:

Oopsie (the small & dainty) who's 5 mo old from @Junibutt

Muppet (who's the largest) Now 7 months old

Marshmallow also 7 mo old (in DS's lap)

All 3 girls have reddened combs, so it could be any of them.
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There is a easy way to tell . Check the size of the exit ramp on the suspected pullets . If she is laying it will be a larger opening than the other pullets .

Got a new layer today!.... and no it's not a quail!

(Above. These are all the eggs I got today.)

Potential new laying pullets:

Oopsie (the small & dainty) who's 5 mo old from @Junibutt

Muppet (who's the largest) Now 7 months old

Marshmallow also 7 mo old (in DS's lap)

All 3 girls have reddened combs, so it could be any of them.
I guess you can keep the one whom you suspect inside for a couple of days and see if you get an egg or not:)
BTW it would be nice to see a pic of Muppet and Oopsie together!

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