
I caught Oopsie enjoying her 4th of July with a good dirt bath.
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Brick, being our perfect roo, stood guard as the girls relaxed. He even fanned Bubbles to keep his girls cool. LOL
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More chick pics for @Junibutt
GL Orp #1 (aka Grumpy) Was 1st to hatch but at moment is the runt. Seems weaker/thinner than the rest but still hanging on.
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GL Orp #2
Hatched with a goofy eye & seemed to struggle at hatch. Now is very spunky & fast.
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Bad eye:View attachment 1065138
Good eye:View attachment 1065139

Egg labeled as Blue Laced Orp
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Other egg labeled as Blue Laced OrpView attachment 1065142 View attachment 1065143 View attachment 1065144
I get a kick out of watching mine getting into their dust baths. It's so animated and entertaining! The "dust-off" when they're done is pretty amazing too.
@Faraday40 I am so sorry :(

I am doing a little happy dance. Its not been Licorice contributing to the eggs... found this little beauty today!

I have still yet to find the cream colored egg again, but have been finding the terra cotta ones daily now. THey have gotten smaller over the last few days.
To help get our minds off the death of Hen Solo, I worked with DD on some photography.
Jewel: Before & After the magic of cropping
(She's entering the last pic of Jewel.)

and also some fun photo editing. We tried using the other roos, but Brick has always been the best model. Which style do you think is better? DD's going to enter the one on right.

Other pics that she took & we liked, but she can only enter 1 8x10 and then 1 photo edit. If anyone has any words of wisdom or advice on picking a photo, please share.
touch.jpg spitz copy.jpg IMG_2186.JPG IMG_1931.jpg IMG_2804 copy.jpg IMG_2333 copy.jpg IMG_2219 copy.jpg IMG_2257 copy.jpg IMG_2275 copy.jpg
Here's one of our Mini Moose. See what I mean about how there's no comparison to Brick?
cock2.jpg cock1.jpg
@megpie021 Congrats on the Easter egg!!! :wee

@Faraday40 this one is wonderful. Looks like it could be the cover of a calendar. Tell your daughter nice job!
Thanks. DD did a good job. It also really helps to have the perfect rooster model. Brick always looks like he should be in one of "those" types of calendars. DH thinks I should hang a that photo in the hen house. LOL
Daughter came to pick up the kids and asked me if I wanted to run to Hobby Lobby with her. Came home with this awesome sign for the yard and it was 50% off. I don't know where I am putting the old well pump but it has been sitting in this spot since spring, lol. I need to find a spot for it.
I saw a post on facebook about a bunch of mink escaping from a farm in Lake Villa from all the storms that have been happening and that those of us up north need to be extra vigilant. Not sure how true it is, but thought I would pass it on to be safe :)
Any signs of the minks? Hope they don't come to visit any of your coops. I also saw this posted on FB this week. They were spotted near Lake Carroll

I have moved the juvies into the big coop, I still have to put them in every nite. First time I have chickens that don't want to go in on their own. Stubborn teeanagers!

Then I put the 3 chicks from Junibutt into the dog house coop. It has been plenty warm enough for them, and they have a little run area, safe from the big guys, but they all come and visit them. They seem to be enjoying it. I was worried about Cocci, since they are at that age, but so far so good.

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