
The business card says Lena, IL. Zip code 61048

Hope this helps!


FlashPointFarm, where is Lena? You didn't happen to mean Lerna, did you? I am hoping because Lerna is really close to me.
We'll be there--it's the closest one for us. They begin the weekend with a program this Friday (yearly) where they bus grade school kids in from the Danville Public Schools for "Civil War Days", and we give a speel at stations. Our noble leader "Bencomo" is especially pleased that it's so popular that they have to turn some schools away if they don't register on time for the Friday program.
This event started I-don't-really-know-when, but we attended it from 1986 to 1989, and then the park didn't want to do it anymore. After sputtering, it finally began again, at a different location in the park, in 2006. DH took DD to the first of these, and spoke on US Cavalry. DD (first year of college, who had taken several years of German) did a portrayal of a private whose family had recently migrated to America. She pretended to not understand much English, and the kids enjoyed that a lot. (I was unable to take the Friday off from work.)
I'm considering taking my bugle and practicing Infantry calls, to get ready for the 150th cycle which begins next year. Hoping it doesn't rain too much, but we've had a decent drought, so I don't think we'll bog down, even if it does.

Here's the Host Unit's website:
Here's DH and I last year:

Here's a photo from the event back in 1987:

Horse on the left is "Toma Coma" (RIP, 2003, lived 35 years), Horse on the Right (me aboard), "Dandy Silver Moon", QH
LOVE it, Ducks!

My daughter is taking riding lessons and going to attend her very first horse show coming next weekend. So she needs to practice!

Can we borrow your horse? She can ONLY do line lead, she can NOT ride solo yet. Probably not after her 20th lesson. She is on her seventh lesson already. Her teacher is happy both of DD and DD;s classmate of doing so well in the practice show lead line class. So they will be ready!

Best bet would be when you warm up or cooling down your horses, she can come and help.

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