
I cannot wait for spring! chicken swaps here I come! I have some redcap chickens to sell and some silkies. I just don't know which color to keep for myself.
I hope everyone had a great holiday. I am not on here to much due to school keeping me busy.

Witzman, do you find the Redcaps to be frost bit hardy?

can you post a pic of yours, I'd love to see one!
So far so good. I was worried with as cold as it got the past couple of weeks, but he seems to be doing well. They seem very hard to get going from babies, I started out with 5 and now I am down to 2. I also got some buttercups at the same time and I like the buttercups better, I just need a rooster. I will go out and get a picture of him tomorrow and post it.
Witzman, do you find the Redcaps to be frost bit hardy?

can you post a pic of yours, I'd love to see one!

This is my roo, it is hard to keep his cap clean when he is in with some ducks. He isn't very old so I think his cap should get bigger.
...... it is hard to keep his cap clean when he is in with some ducks......

Ummm... it is hard to keep ANYTHING clean when with ducks

He is pretty, where did you get them?

Joining the conversation. Finally realized the forums had a state-by-state listing! Sorry, was spending WAY too much time reading other sections of the forums!

We're in Western Suburbs of Chicagoland. After seeing the Museum of Science and Industry incubator a few years back - finally made the connection between MSI and Garfield Farm Museum in LaFox. Called Garfield and lo and behold, a former colleague of mine was working there! Got our first Black Java chicks in 2011 and away we went!

Loving the Black Java breed - they're hearty, friendly, and simply a laying fiend...once they started laying at 25wks, they don't stop. I'm getting 3-4 eggs a day still, even in this cloudy winter. Had 3 broodies out of 5 hens last spring - now have 7 hens (2 are pullets, but by spring will be considered hens at 1yr). So I'm anxious to see what happens!

We ventured into broiler raising this last spring and fall. Will do so again. Java's simply take too long to grow to a reasonable size - even when I'm given 7 cockerals out of 9 eggs under 3 broodies! Even at 16wks, the roasted chicken was pitiful to see. Much prefer to see the 12wk Freedom Rangers on the table. But my enjoyment comes from my Java's. They're my 'coffee break' every day - just to go and sit with them and watch them for a's so much better than any other option!

I'll be watching for information about shows and meet-ups. I'm curious to learn more, as I think one of my hens fits the SOP particularly well. My roo does too - but he's a jerk, and might not make it to show season (if Garfield will sell me a cockeral at this time). Life is always a process, isn't it? Especially when it comes to chicken raising!

I'm thankful for these forums - I've got running water (despite the cold temps), good tractors for my broilers, a tight little coop for my girls and so much great information to share with my chickens because of folks like ya'll. (For example. was reading in the 'coops' section - and got a GREAT tip on a toy to give the girls in the a.m....take an empty clean water bottle, cut some 'x' shapes into the sides, fill with BOSS - give to girls to play with. Since it's supposed to rain rats, cats and bats tomorrow, this will be a GREAT thing to keep them all occupied while hiding out of the rain.)
What a nice intro (to this thread) for us to read.

It is exciting to see someone who enjoys their birds as much as me

Sorry to hear about the 7 out of 9.

I work in the Naperville/Plainfield area..... hopefully we can have a get together....... Maybe you should host one so we can see your Javas
Life is Good! Welcome! I live west of tbitt a bit
but my DH works in Naperville, DS and DIL live in Plainfield and SIL in St Charles, so am familiar with the Western Suburbs. We could pick some place and get together for a "spell". Pick a time and place and we'll see what we can work out!
Only two APA shows in the Northern half of Illinois that I know of are the Peoria show in May and the Illini Poultry Show in Belvedeire in September. There are some in surrounding states.
When is the Garfield Farm Heritage Livestock day? Maybe we could meet there.

Joining the conversation. Finally realized the forums had a state-by-state listing! Sorry, was spending WAY too much time reading other sections of the forums!

We're in Western Suburbs of Chicagoland. After seeing the Museum of Science and Industry incubator a few years back - finally made the connection between MSI and Garfield Farm Museum in LaFox. Called Garfield and lo and behold, a former colleague of mine was working there! Got our first Black Java chicks in 2011 and away we went!

Loving the Black Java breed - they're hearty, friendly, and simply a laying fiend...once they started laying at 25wks, they don't stop. I'm getting 3-4 eggs a day still, even in this cloudy winter. Had 3 broodies out of 5 hens last spring - now have 7 hens (2 are pullets, but by spring will be considered hens at 1yr). So I'm anxious to see what happens!

We ventured into broiler raising this last spring and fall. Will do so again. Java's simply take too long to grow to a reasonable size - even when I'm given 7 cockerals out of 9 eggs under 3 broodies! Even at 16wks, the roasted chicken was pitiful to see. Much prefer to see the 12wk Freedom Rangers on the table. But my enjoyment comes from my Java's. They're my 'coffee break' every day - just to go and sit with them and watch them for a's so much better than any other option!

I'll be watching for information about shows and meet-ups. I'm curious to learn more, as I think one of my hens fits the SOP particularly well. My roo does too - but he's a jerk, and might not make it to show season (if Garfield will sell me a cockeral at this time). Life is always a process, isn't it? Especially when it comes to chicken raising!

I'm thankful for these forums - I've got running water (despite the cold temps), good tractors for my broilers, a tight little coop for my girls and so much great information to share with my chickens because of folks like ya'll. (For example. was reading in the 'coops' section - and got a GREAT tip on a toy to give the girls in the a.m....take an empty clean water bottle, cut some 'x' shapes into the sides, fill with BOSS - give to girls to play with. Since it's supposed to rain rats, cats and bats tomorrow, this will be a GREAT thing to keep them all occupied while hiding out of the rain.)
Welcome; and thanks for mentioning the Garfield, I had never heard of it. [Off to check it out on the 'net.]

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