
The Ranch is between Franklin and Murrayville but I live behind UIS at the moment. I'm in the process of working out quantities and prices for my CSA. Since its a new operation, all the animals are still young so it'll be a few months before I will have meats to process. Im mailing my meat brokers license next week
!!! I do however have organic free-range whole chickens, chicken eggs, and rabbit for sale! Speaking of which I have a killer rabbit recipe, made it again last night mmmmmmmmmm. Im also taking orders for holiday turkeys and need them placed by the end of May if you or anyone is interested. I just picked up my first dozen turkeys earlier today
Will be purchasing the highly saught after Midget Whites next month, which I'm super stoked about.

So all I have For Sale atm:
Chicken $4.50/LB (Chickens are 4-6#s)
Rabbit. $5/Whole rabbit
Eggs. $4/Dozen (Brown, White, Tan mixture)

I'm still working out all the CSA kinks, I'll keep you updated when I get the operation structure organized and completed. Should be crunched by the end of this month!

Jenny, what type of meats would you and your family be interested in?

I PM'ed you
im in the same boat. heard wonderful things about murray mcmurray, but i don't want 15. i don't even know if my half acre would be sufficient for 15, especially since i want two roosters and they send a free rare chick with too, which i think is great but then i'm up to 18 chicks. im thinking about ordering it still though and then selling the extras. im not sure. i think they make you order 15 because they are more likely to survive then if you order a small amount. probably because they can huddle and keep warm better. theres another called mypetchicken, but since there is no limit, you can wind up receiving dead chicks from what i have read. :/
I just picked up my sweet babies today, 3 Americanas, 2 barred rock, 2 white wyondots, 2 cuckoo Marian's, 2 RIR, 1 buff Orpington, 2 light Sussex, 2 dark Cornish, 2 sexlink. I was told they should all get along. Here's for hoping, from a first timer!
Heritage Bourbon Red & Standard Bronze Turkey Poults (chicks) available NPIP certified. We don't ship live birds they would be pick up only with no minimum order. PM if interested
Wilmington, IL
I just want to chime in to recommend the Frazen Farms turkeys!!
I got Bourbon Red eggs from Chris last year and hatched 7 out of 9. I have some BR and some Standard Bronze in the incubator now that are due on Cinco de Mayo. If you are within driving distance, well worth the trip! If you are not, ask him about shipping you some eggs!

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