
Not unless he's digging an extra foot or more to get out!
I'm hoping this means no groundhog = no shadow = early spring!!
For the record, 8+ babies hatched today. If anyone needs a Rooster in the STL/Edwardsville region in a few weeks hit me up. xD
All mutts. No clue what I've got yet!
We got a lot of snow this weekend. Local schools are all closed as we dig our way out from 17". On the bright side, all the kids are having a blast outside today.

My chicken run extension is almost covered in snow.

No time to dig out the patio furniture today.

Here's the measurement taken from the top of a garbage can
[COLOR=333333]We got a lot of snow this weekend. Local schools are all closed as we dig our way out from 17". On the bright side, all the kids are having a blast outside today.[/COLOR] [COLOR=333333]My chicken run extension is almost covered in snow.[/COLOR] [COLOR=333333][COLOR=B42000] [/COLOR][/COLOR] [COLOR=333333]No time to dig out the patio furniture today.[/COLOR] [COLOR=333333] [/COLOR] [COLOR=333333]Here's the measurement taken from the top of a garbage can[/COLOR] [COLOR=333333] [/COLOR]
that is a lot of snow!!! Still none here in my part of the state.
Five eggs today!!!
And the gals came outside to check out the snow... At least for a few minutes. Chicken curiosity?

That big egg... It's from the 4 we got yesterday. Just showing off our biggest egg yet.
Guessing it's a double yolker from Nellie!

Chipmonk, in the foreground, made that pretty blue egg.


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