
Yaaaay! My BO broke broody too! Pffewww! We can relax a little now. Too cold. It was below zero last night so I'm sure she just got too ****** cold and went back to the main flock roost. Smart chickies we have huh Nwchickma?
I had two girls broody in December and January. One hatched out two chicks and the other has handled very well the four that I gave her (she was sitting on infertile eggs). They both sat like troopers during some very cold Northern Illinois (Rockford area) temperatures as low as -10 F and a couple of times worse, but they have been great mothers. It was - 5 F yesterday and the chicks would run around a bit to eat and drink and then mom would settle down to let them warm up some. The two older chicks are now feathered out so their mama doesn't give them quite as much attention so from time to time I catch one of those chicks stealing some warm up time under the other mother hen.

This definitely isn't the best time for broodies, but I have seen from first hand experience now that they can see it through and have done well. I do have them partitioned from the rest of the flock, though.
DH and I switched cars for the weekend BC mine had less miles and he had to drive to Michigan for work. He's going to kill me when he gets home! I decided to stop and get a bale of hay with his SUV but didn't have the hay bag. The last hay they had was grassy and I figured wouldn't make that much of a mess... Wrong!! It's a flaky alfalfa mess!
I collected an egg before unloading the hay but forgot to take it out of my pocket and crushed the egg in the pocket with DH's car keys, alarm pad and all.

Ugh.. Welcome home honey!!
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Since this little guy has been a regular in my backyard lately, I decided to get a photo. We also had a much bigger hawk stop by once. That one didn't camp out & lust for chicken all day. This smaller hawk is determined & still here. I've been keeping my flock locked up for the past 3 weeks, but this hawk's not getting the hint! It's also fearless & allows me to walk pretty close before moving.

I've been guessing it's a Cooper's hawk. Does anyone know?
DH and I switched cars for the weekend BC mine had less miles and he had to drive to Michigan for work. He's going to kill me when he gets home! I decided to stop and get a bale of hay with his SUV but didn't have the hay bag. The last hay they had was grassy and I figured wouldn't make that much of a mess... Wrong!! It's a flaky alfalfa mess!
I collected an egg before unloading the hay but forgot to take it out of my pocket and crushed the egg in the pocket with DH's car keys, alarm pad and all.

Ugh.. Welcome home honey!!

If it makes you feel better, I've had crushed eggs in my pockets too.

Since this little guy has been a regular in my backyard lately, I decided to get a photo. We also had a much bigger hawk stop by once. That one didn't camp out & lust for chicken all day. This smaller hawk is determined & still here. I've been keeping my flock locked up for the past 3 weeks, but this hawk's not getting the hint! It's also fearless & allows me to walk pretty close before moving.

I've been guessing it's a Cooper's hawk. Does anyone know?

Ok, I was just doing some searching and came across an article since my yard is also being visited by hawks. I googled images of Cooper Hawks and he sure looks like one, but there is a smaller hawk that looks similar called a sharp shinned hawk. It looks more blue on its back than grey or brown and seems to have a shorter neck. I think its a Copper's Hawk that has been stalking my guys.Typical Wingspan of coopers hawk is 29 to 35 inches, a good fit for my hawk

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