
Wow that is a jumbo egg Faraday. And my brown eggs must be positioned correctly because they r maybe a large. I don't weigh them. I will try the white back round for the next egg cause it looks green in the picture. Love sharing with all of you. Thanks
Wow what kind of hen did that come from?


This is my son's chicken, Firefighter. The hatching eggs came from a mixed flock. We thought it was a male & not going to be here long, so I really didn't care what he named it. Turned out to be an excellent layer- 319 eggs last year (& she didn't start laying until mid feb 2014!) She's not a cuddly bird, but the egg production has made her the fav hen of DH & DS. She even laid eggs through Dec when most hens stopped. She just started her 1st molt 2 weeks ago, and she certainly deserves the break.
Chicken look like a mix of orphington and leghorn. Am I close???
I have no idea. The egg production & skittishness say Leghorn. She's rather large, so maybe some orp. The legs, beak, skin are all pale / white, so maybe White Rock. She has a slight gold hue to head, but rest is pure white.

Has anyone gotten a small egg like this? The egg below it is from a Cochin Bantam. She is the only bantam we have. Looks the size of a quail egg.

Often called a peanut egg . When you open one they have a piece of tissue or a yolk fragment inside with some egg white . You will get normal eggs from her also . These happen now and then .
Hello everyone! I'm in Midwest illinois and have my first batch of babies! Super excited to start this new adventure. :)






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