
Hi to all my fellow Illinois chicken peeps!!! :frow I'm from the western Chicago suburbs. I started with a few 1 year old laying hens on a trial basis. The farmer I got them from said I could keep them for a little or a long time while I decide if chickening (is that a word?) is for me. It is, really for me! Love it. Even through the cold winter! I've had these hens almost a year now. Wish I was able to let chicken math grow my flock a bit bigger then 6, but that's all that's allowed here. I'll be sending the laying hens back to their home once my brood of itty bitties are big and need to take over the coop. They should be delivered the 27th-28th of this month. (long story, but this is my third clutch of eggs the hatchery is incubating for me, praying these get delivered safe and sound) On a separate note, I'm looking forward to spring, but not the "chance" of tornadoes expected tomorrow!!! Yikes!
Hi Neighbor.

I'm also in the Western Suburbs. If you're in need of extra chicks (& like Orpingtons), send me a PM. My daughter is hatching a bunch of chicks for her 4H poultry science project. We WILL NOT be keeping most of them. All are at least 1/2 English Orpington. Many are purebred orps, but some are hybrids with Cream Crested Legbars to make green egg layers & some are 1/2 Coronation Sussex to make huge fluffy, lavender chickens. These will be sold cheap to make room in the brooder so DD may continue to gather her hatching data. If you already have your six chicks, I apologize for tempting you.
Hi everyone, hello from us and our 18 chickens from central Illinois just a few miles from Jacksonville (45 min. West of Springfield). Our coop is quite the variety of breeds: Austra whites, new hampshires, barred rock, wyandotte, americana, RIR, RIW, and australorps. I've been a long time follower of BYC, it's been like my chicken bible. 2 years later I'm starting to feel like I actually know what I'm doing with these girls!
Junibutt, an Illinois BYCer, called Trader Joes to see which stores in the Chicagoland area carried fertile eggs. He was told that they do not sell fertile eggs in their stores here. I tried the "Free Range" eggs just as an case there was a rooster "free ranging" with the laying flock

You could end up with all sorts of things from that Swap!

Also, I had Whole Foods order some "Fresh" Fertile eggs for me last year because the ones in their shelf were 3 weeks old (you have to check the Julian date of packaging the eggs). The fresh eggs when they came in were also 10 days old at that point. I incubated them but they were all clears, never developed. I broke them to check and they were all infertile. So much for the claim of fertile eggs.
  If you already have your six chicks, I apologize for tempting you.

Very very tempting!! When are your chicks due to hatch? If there is a problem with my order with the hatchery, I'll definitely keep you in mind. My order is for one of each, buff orpington, Columbian wyandotte, blue laced red wyandotte, easter egger, black copper Marans, and blue ameraucana.. So eggciting!
Very very tempting!! When are your chicks due to hatch? If there is a problem with my order with the hatchery, I'll definitely keep you in mind. My order is for one of each, buff orpington, Columbian wyandotte, blue laced red wyandotte, easter egger, black copper Marans, and blue ameraucana.. So eggciting!
These are what I have now. Hatched 4-6-15
The silver one is a pure lav orp & the others are 1/2 lav orp. I suspect the blacks will be green egg layers (came from CCLs), & the yellows will be excellent brown or pinkish brown layers. (Their moms are my SuperChickens = about 300+ eggs per year. Technically both hens are barnyard mixes, but with that kind of production, who cares?) Cannot tell gender yet.

This Sun-Mon, my daughter has some English Orpingtons due. These are from a breeder in Indiana & come from good bloodlines. We enjoy hatching eggs, but must sell most of what is hatched.

BTW- If anyone wants eggs hatched, I know a sweet girl willing to hatch for experience (& her project data). You can get all the hatch results back. LOL

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