
For the treats, have you tried oatmeal? (Not cooked, just rolled or whole or full grain)  All my girls come running when I get a scoop out of the bag, even the ones in the nesting boxes.  (They love it so much I got a 50# bag for them -it was only $9)

Also,all my girls go nuts over any kind of meat.  It's like a cage-match in the run when there are scraps to give them.

Thanks for asking. Cuddles Update: She was slowly declining & stopped eating/drinking. I had to do something & tube fed some liquids Tues night. On Wed, I bought baby bird powder mix & gave 20-30cc twice. (Not how I planned to spend my Bday.) Did it 3xs today. Boy, is she feisty & fighting me! On the plus side, she pooped solid 3or 4xs today. Perhaps the Corid is doing something. I even took out my microscope to try my luck at a fecal float. (Unfortunately my 15+ yr old light bulb burned out, so I had to borrow my daughter's.) I found some oval eggs & thin worms. Couldn't see details through the scratched up toy lenses, but I decided to buy a good wormer as soon as I finish the Corid treatment. She's walking around, preening herself, turns her head to me when I say her name, & even pecks at crud on the floor. What she's NOT doing is eating. I tried scrambled eggs, wet crumbles, baby bird food, bread & yogurt. She took only a small beak full of yogurt. She's never really gone crazy for fruits & veggies. She usually likes scratch, bread, & mealworms. [COLOR=008080]Does anyone have an idea for an irresistible chicken treat?[/COLOR] I feel if I can get her to eat, I can manage the other treatments. Meanwhile, my son's school called. He caught pink eye. Gotta love Kindergarten! And guess who decided to go broody again? [COLOR=B42000] [/COLOR] To lighten the mood,........ Here's are some pics of Cuddles [COLOR=B42000] [/COLOR] This was supposed to be a pic of Cuddles until my jealous Precious decided to photobomb.
Lol I absolutely love that last pic.

I love it!
Hey guys I'm from south central WI and I thought I would share this with you.
Two buff Orpingtons for sale to good home nice pullets just trying to make space for the 9 chicks we're picking up Friday. I made a deal with the Hubby seems like good chicken math to me. They're just getting close to POL and one may have layed already. Beautiful healthy girls 18 weeks and two days old. Please PM me if interested.

Hey guys I'm from south central WI and I thought I would share this with you.
Two buff Orpingtons for sale to good home nice pullets just trying to make space for the 9 chicks we're picking up Friday. I made a deal with the Hubby seems like good chicken math to me. They're just getting close to POL and one may have layed already. Beautiful healthy girls 18 weeks and two days old. Please PM me if interested.

Wish I could! I am out of room.
Another Cuddles Update:
So far tried Corid
Then wormed for 5 days with Safeguard.(fenbendazole) - I know she had some worms, so I just finished worming the flock.

Cuddles is acting better & more talkative. No longer doing the open mouth yawn. Her eyes are bright, comb's always been red, & her walk has picked up in pace. (Doesn't run, though.)

She's improved, but not better. She will eat bread & mealworms. I've seen her drink & eat grass & bugs outside. Won't touch her crumbles - dry or wet. Doesn't want to eat any kind of wet food like oatmeal & yogurt. Her crop can fill & flatten. This morning it feels flat, soft, & squishy. It has never been rock hard, but rather fills & flattens a little.

She doesn't seem to have an appetite & when with the flock, doesn't run or fight for food. That's the most noticeable symptom. Any ideas or things to look for at this point?
Have you tried giving her scrambled egg? I find mine go crazy for them. Is she drinking on her own?

From all you have posted, it sounds like she caught/has some kind of "bug". Did you give her antibiotics? Putting her on them would rule out a bacterial infection if she didn't get better after a course of them.
Have you tried giving her scrambled egg? I find mine go crazy for them. Is she drinking on her own?

From all you have posted, it sounds like she caught/has some kind of "bug". Did you give her antibiotics? Putting her on them would rule out a bacterial infection if she didn't get better after a course of them.
I've been trying a bunch of treats like scrambled eggs, ground beef, oatmeal, yogurt, etc Only get a few pecks.. I've had the best luck with bread, mealworms, & scratch (but I'm trying to avoid scratch in case it is a crop issue.) Those treats she gobbles up like normal. Not eating her food is very out of character for any chicken - especially an orpington!

I have Duramycin - Tetracycline Hydrochloride soluble powder - on hand. I was going to try that next if she didn't improve. She's perking up a little more each day. I did not tube feed at all today, because she's eating & drinking on her own.....just not a balanced diet. This morning she ate 1/2 hard boiled egg & 1/2 slice bread. I put her back with the flock & she seems so much happier.

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