
Another Cuddles Update:
So far tried Corid
Then wormed for 5 days with Safeguard.(fenbendazole) - I know she had some worms, so I just finished worming the flock.

Cuddles is acting better & more talkative. No longer doing the open mouth yawn. Her eyes are bright, comb's always been red, & her walk has picked up in pace. (Doesn't run, though.)

She's improved, but not better. She will eat bread & mealworms. I've seen her drink & eat grass & bugs outside. Won't touch her crumbles - dry or wet. Doesn't want to eat any kind of wet food like oatmeal & yogurt. Her crop can fill & flatten. This morning it feels flat, soft, & squishy. It has never been rock hard, but rather fills & flattens a little.

She doesn't seem to have an appetite & when with the flock, doesn't run or fight for food. That's the most noticeable symptom. Any ideas or things to look for at this point?
Happy to hear! She is a little fighter. Good luck

Has your husband noticed Cookie setting yet?
Cuddles is acting so much better - but not her "normal" self. One fun thing she started recently was "talking back." (She was quiet for about 5 days, so I missed her voice." When she 1st started feeling better, I'd hear a little grumbly bawk when I called her name. Her voice has grown stronger, so now whenever she simply hears my voice (Like on the phone in a nearby room), she calls back to me. If I respond by saying her name, she goes into a loud egg song. What a chicken!

DH doesn't go into the coop, so he hasn't noticed Cookie.
I think the kids have mentioned it, but he's learning to look the other way. Someone on the thread may be interested in taking them (free if she sends me pics as they're growing up). Goal #1 was met. I now know my roo is doing his job. Goal #2 will be to have a good hatch (That's Cookie's responsibility.) If all hatch.....4 will be purebred orps, 2 EE-orps, & 1 very loveable egg machine. (The mutt hen is Princess Lay-a who laid over 320 eggs last year.)
I haven't had to tube feed Cuddles for 2 days, & the previous 2 days before, I only tube fed 1x per day. I do have to bring her inside at night &/or morning to fill her crop by offering treats. Tonight DD was feeding Cuddles some hard boiled egg (on the kitchen floor). As I walked past them, Cuddles bawked at me. I turned, looked down at her, & asked if she wanted some bread. When she saw me take out a loaf of bread, she went crazy with her happy egg song screams. Her personality is coming back!
I read this and thought to myself. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm I can fulfill #2 and #10. So here they are.

Ashes and Pebbles. They are about 6 months + , and lay eggs same identical size as my pigeons. They are sooooo identical that I need to look at both side by side to see the minute difference in their comb height. They are fantastic flyers as well. They do not try to escape, they know they have it good.
had to share a photo of my 20 week old beauty queen. I am so excited that her feathering turned out exactly the shade I'd hoped for! Clover is my Blue Laced Red Wyandotte.

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She is a beauty queen! Very pretty girl. The BLW were on my have to have list. I think I was sidetracked by the blue orps and blue Marans.

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