
Update on Coco is great! Normal breathing returned last nite about 10pm. She started doing her normal clucking when I walked into the kitchen this am, so I let her out of her carrier to see how she was doing and she is fine, thank goodness! I let her resume with the rest since all signs of her respiratory distress disappeared. She joined them for breakfast and is doing well. Thanks to @MeepBeep and @Faraday40 for the help. Much appreciated. Hopefully she learned her lesson and will leave the bees alone!

@Junibutt those Mottled Lavs are gorgeous! Good luck on your quest.
Wow, you guest it right. you are a very observant and great chicken keeper.
My orps took 9+ mo for their 1st egg. By then they were large, but not 8lbs. I think it takes over a year to get that big. When I look back at pics, their combs & wattles were so small at 9 mo. I know they "Look" so much more mature now. Mine have also fluffed out & look more round as they aged. Even my CCL didn't have a big comb on her 1st bday. It just kind of grew since then.

The lavs in the pic above have very light legs & beaks - From the mottled???. All lavs that I have seen have dark, slate gray legs. I like their round look.

I wanted to keep a lav roo, but my DD fell in love with a blk/lav split. We have 2 of those, and one will be leaving soon. PM me for pics if you want him. I promised DH no more chicks until 2016.

Of course Cookie didn't make that promise. Her eggs will be hatching soon. LOL Honestly, I didn't put her up to it. As many know, a broody hen has a mind of her own. I simply didn't work very hard to break her broodiness. I kicked her out of the nest for a few days, but once she started stealing everyone's eggs & screaming at top volume, I just left her alone.
You are right, their legs do look skinny. The mottled I have, she doesn't have big fat legs but not as skinny.

Well, I was thinking of breeding the mottled in Spring, not right now because I am full to capacity. Too bad you don't have the Lav roo anymore. @ChicagoClucker do you have 1 left or both of yours are gone.

As for the broodies, I am having some terrible luck when breaking them. I am able to break them ok but then they go into this state where they are not setting but not laying either. One hasn't laid in 2 months, the 2nd one in about 45 days and I just broke a 3rd one. Who knows how long she will take! Maybe I should start giving them couple of chicks instead of breaking their brood next time.
You are right, their legs do look skinny. The mottled I have, she doesn't have big fat legs but not as skinny.

Well, I was thinking of breeding the mottled in Spring, not right now because I am full to capacity. Too bad you don't have the Lav roo anymore. @ChicagoClucker do you have 1 left or both of yours are gone.

As for the broodies, I am having some terrible luck when breaking them. I am able to break them ok but then they go into this state where they are not setting but not laying either. One hasn't laid in 2 months, the 2nd one in about 45 days and I just broke a 3rd one. Who knows how long she will take! Maybe I should start giving them couple of chicks instead of breaking their brood next time.

Sorry they are both gone. Dena took both of them, she is the one that took some of yours and lives in Joliet. I am friends with her on FB if you want me to contact her.
   :frow    Welcome to the Illinois thread!  Do you only have 1chick?   You might need to explain to all of us how that is possible!   :confused:
no chic as in attractive. Chick as in what guys call girls sometimes. 1 as in more than zero, less than two. I'm one attractive lady.
Who happens to be raising some chickens in my backyard. Hence why I'm here :)
Thanks for the explanation!  :D   

What kind of chickens do you have?  Is your backyard big? 
It's small. We have 4 Easter Eggers. We had an unknown white chicken, (she was supposed to be an Easter Egger too) but the tray part of the coop fell down and it landed on her head and she died.

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