
Although I've been complaining about the low # of eggs this month, I can't believe the one I found today! :eek: It was so big I had to measure it! About 9.5cm long (about 3.75 in) To get an idea of scale, those are my fingers. I am an adult woman - and not a small one. The egg is HUGE. \ 4.15 oz or 117.9 grams If a 2.5 oz egg is considered Jumbo, what should THIS size be called? Now I just can't figure out who it came from. The hen that usually lays the biggest eggs lays a peachy-white egg. This one is way too dark to be hers. It's a med brown like an orp at the beginning of her egg cycle. My orp hens have pale combs & are molting. I can't imagine this coming out of an orp pullet. (also no blood streaks on it) That only leaves my RIR or Bielefelder pullets. Both have been laying since Aug/Sept - unlike the orps who have just started or soon will.
Holy cow!!! I saw you ate it but man you should have blown that thing!
WOW, feel sorry for that poor girl. I have to say that egg production has picked up over here since the weather has warmed up. I went from maybe 3 eggs a week to 5-6 every other day. Feeling grateful. I am sure it won't last, but will take it while I can.
For all my BYC friends we have about ten dozen eggs right now and we are getting about 14 a day so come on up and help us clean out the fridge! Lol
Had the egg for lunch. It was a double yolker! (Discovered that a runny, over-easy egg takes great over left-over mashed potatoes or on top of potato-leek soup with chives & cheddar cheese) I've been getting 2-3 eggs per day. It's enough for baking & an occasional breakfast, but we have to conserve the eggs. Looking forward to spring when we can have egg sandwiches & bake frequently .... and also have extra eggs to sell! (Of course, we'll probably be hatching them too.) @ChicagoClucker Do you currently keep your bantams with the big chickens or do they have their own space? How do they do with LF birds? I only have 2 bantams, so they live with the flock. Although smaller, they can & will squawk a lot when they feel offended. They're near the bottom of the pecking order but I haven't seen bullying or missing feathers. I had to place a step by the waterer for them. When it's time for treats, they get their personal invitations. Trouble looks up at me, waiting for eye contact, making her fussy little attention-seeking noises until I hold out my arm & say her name ( = her invitation to land on me & get hand fed). In a similar way, Cookie just gets underfoot making her noises. She never even bothers to go after scratch thrown to the ground. She simply stands on my feet and waits until I lower the treat cup for her to select a morsel. The LF have their ways too. Precious follows me around as I do the morning chores. The entire time it sounds like she's moaning & whining: "Treeeeeaats..Treeeeeeats!" Godiva runs up quickly to search for the treat cup. If it's not in my hands, she'll go about her business. However, if I'm throwing down bread or scratch, she begins a loud, rapid honking to grab my attention & insists that she gets her fair share (which of course to an orp means most of it!) @chickendreams24 Grace's fav quail (Albert) began crowing a week ago. A white one has joined him. Definitely time for them to go outside! I saw the white male (now wearing a purple stripe) try to grab at the neck feathers of another white. The purple quail does have a large ball behind his vent. In general, the quail vents are larger (more plump than a hen's vent) but I can't tell if the remaining 2 whites are female or just immature. They'll be 6 weeks on Tues., so we're not too far away from eggs. This is my waterer. It hangs by a chain, so I can adjust the height. It's too heavy for me when full, so I only fill to 3-4 gal In the winter, I have a bucket de-icer inside. Although the water stayed liquid during our 1st winter, the vertical nipples froze when in single digits. I had to chip away ice many mornings that year. For the 2nd winter I switched to the horiz nipples. The horiz nipples are inside, so they didn't lock up when below zero. (If a tiny bit of ice were present, the chickens just peck it away to get to the water.) Originally I thought the heater was expensive, but it was about the same cost as a pre-made heated chicken waterer. The fact that it has lasted multiple winters makes it affordable. I also like that it only turns on when below freezing. The water is never "warm" but cold & liquid. Because of minerals in our water, I added a filter to our kitchen sink. (Not for us, but to prevent mineral build up on the heater, so it will last longer. LOL ) Yes, our chickens must drink filtered water in the winter, but I doubt it beats you giving your quail Jim Beam. :gig
Sorry I haven't messaged you back yet. I will do that today. Lol well we got out first quail egg today a tiny shell less thing that I just got to see right after it was layed. The males started growing this last weekend and I finally got to see them today. Both of our browns are boys... 100% sure on one of them 99.998 on the other although it's chest isn't as red. The four whites(only one is all white the other three have a couple black feathers on the head) I'm thinking are all female but we can't be sure yet. The egg is about the size of a nickel. One of the whites has a small injury on either side of the head looks like it was scalped or like the scalp tore almost. The chickens can not access them at all so I'm thinking perhaps one of the males was too rough? I blue koted it but although a little sedate it seems to be acting fine (which of course means I'm covered in the blue kote) I also added some sticks I figured the girls might enjoy having something to go under/around to stay away from the persistent boys. I will say that today when I saw one of the males breed a girl he did grab her head right where the other one is injured but he didn't seem very rough. Perhaps it's the other boy, as they both have some missing feathers off the backs their heads- the girl I saw bred and the girl(?) with the injury. The other two I couldn't reach. Their enclosure is finished except the door is a make shift one until we can get that done so it doesn't open all the way and my arms are shorter than dh2b's. It so cool I can't wait until you get to see it! I'm really loving the quail we may need to build another enclosure or two lol. I know you didn't ask me but I figured I would answer anyway. We house put bantams with our lf and they do great. Even the trio of Oegb that had trouble adjusting BC they weren't raised in the flock are doing wonderful! They all get treats and loving and of course food and water. We are still a little overrun with boys but we did get a couple more of our last spring's mixes done this weekend. Putting them on the back side has really helped although we can't wait until all the boys are done and the flock can either a) expand and have both side of the coop or b) the back side can be used to finish raising the last chicks from you and the ones we hatched last until they're of a size to introduce to the flock. Our bantams do great with the flock and most of them are actually pretty high on the pecking order. My little lavender/self blue Oegb Crocket walls up to treats and most of the birds scatter lol she is such a hoot. She would rather share with the lower birds on the pecking order than the higher ones. We keep silkies, Oegbs, a sebright, and a couple bantam mixes with the flock. The only time I'm ever really worried is when one of the young cockerals thinks he can breed the oegb. They do learn of course but it does make me panic for just a bit lol. Think about a big black orp on top of something smaller than Trouble. Come spring we plan to br able to separate out breeding groups for the chick season. It won't be permanent but that way we will have all pure chicks.
[COLOR=333333]Had the egg for lunch. It was a double yolker![/COLOR] [COLOR=333333] [/COLOR] [COLOR=333333]Quail update:[/COLOR] [COLOR=333333]Here's the tiny runt quail (on left). It's still alive & finally caught up in size.[/COLOR] [COLOR=333333] [/COLOR] [COLOR=333333]Quail sexing update:[/COLOR] [COLOR=333333]Anyone with quail knowledge, please let me know how I'm doing.[/COLOR]
1. Male (now crowing & tried to mate quail #2 below)
[COLOR=B42000] [/COLOR] 2. Female???? [COLOR=B42000] [/COLOR] 3. ???? This is the runt / "failure to thrive" quail. It has always been about a week behind developmentally. It's finally about the same size. My guess is female or just still slow to mature. 4. Male (It's DD's fav = 1st clue. Then it developed a male color pattern. About a week ago it began crowing. However, I do not see the huge swollen area behind the vent like in the A&M male.) 5&6 are Female - can tell by feather pattern
And yes potato leek soup sounds very good.
Ok the potato-leek soup sounds sooooo good! I can't wait for spring either. I have had to buy eggs, which hurts, but the dog gets eggs everyday with her dinner, so there isn't a way around it. I house my bantams separate from my LF now, but when my #s were lower, they were all in the large coop together. They all got along fine, the bantams did not have a problem getting their fair share of food or treats. And Mick was the king of the coop then, with all the ladies, LF and bantam girls. But when the black and SL cockerels became interested in the girls, I had to separate the bantams. Mick didn't want to give up any of his ladies, and the other boys were twice his size. The bantams are in my original ice box coop, the Mother Clucker Inn and the LF have the new large coop. And like you said, they are all different. There are the specific ones who like their treats given to them in there own way, LF or bantam. Edited to add- Had to run up and get a yard and half of Velcro to make some no crow collars. Between the 2 LF roos and then all the bantam cockerels that are maturing, it is getting just too loud over here. LF boys were easy, and was able to get the 2 frizzled bantams but have 4 more bantams to catch. Uggg, pass the word please, I have bantam pairs available. Need to get rid of some of these boys.
Lol stop teasing me with your Cochins. :) I would take them in a heartbeat but we are already overrun with boys. I would want to keep a boy for breeding and I'm not sure I could swing it until we get another coop. As it is we plan to keep 1-2 silkies, 2-3 orps, 2 Oegb, 1 cream legbar and 2 SLW. I know it's a lot we have a lot of choosing to do. Thankfully the boys we are choosing between all do extremely well together and with people. Between the 2 runs and the coop(2 sides plus a small run inside) and once we get the other coop here. We should be pretty good even if every boy had to be separated for some reason. That being said we are also purposely working to keep only the most people and bird friendly birds, we will also be continuing to wean them down into the spring and next year. Thankfully our one large cooler coop is sized easily for 60 birds and we were calculating for large fowl. We only plan to take about 40-50 to spring breeding. We will be continuing to process cockerals as we are able to which as I said helps a ton. With feed and space. Plus about half the birds in our coop are bantams so it's pretty good spacewise. ETA is that a white sport legbar or a Leghorn on top of the coop?
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Our first quail egg shell less little thing lol
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Our first quail egg shell less little thing lol

Congrats on the quail egg!

And I am not trying to tease you hahaha, just trying to find homes for some pairs so I can be less a couple of boys. 8 boys in the city isn't a good thing. But it seems like the crow collars are helping. It was a little bit more peaceful today.

And that was a leghorn on top of the coop.
These stupid hawks are getting on my last nerve. We lost our 2nd chicken to a hawk murder today.

Our big crest silkies must have felt safe going up to the hawk outside the enclosed run and was murdered by said hawk trying to have an easy lunch.

Guess I have more work to do on the run. :(
These stupid hawks are getting on my last nerve. We lost our 2nd chicken to a hawk murder today.

Our big crest silkies must have felt safe going up to the hawk outside the enclosed run and was murdered by said hawk trying to have an easy lunch.

Guess I have more work to do on the run.

SO Sorry!

@chickendreams24 You beat me to it.
We also got our 1st quail egg today! It's very tiny & light.
DD went to hug a quail this afternoon & she discovered the egg. She thought I had put it there as a joke, & I thought the same of her.

Unfortunately we also got our 1st quail injuries yesterday. The 3 brown quail decided to pick at the 3 white quail. I saw the white male mating the others, so perhaps the browns just had enough. Once a speck of blood was seen on his white feathers and they all attacked the white male. I pulled him out right away & by the time I set up a tote for him, the others started attacking the 2 white females too. Surprisingly it was the brown females doing the bulk of the pecking! In just a few minutes all 3 of whites looked scalped. So,now we have 2 cages of quail in the house. The wounds are healing more quickly than I thought possible and the white quail look pretty good today. For now, I'll let them heal in peace, and decide their fate later. I was hoping to keep any white females, but not if they regularly get attacked by their siblings.

If anyone knows quail, could I have a diet issue or do quail normally peck on quail of diff color?
Here are my injured quail. They look so much better today - more bald than bloody.

A likely Female

The Confirmed Male

Any ideas of something to mask their injury so they can go back? (Don't have blu-kote)
These stupid hawks are getting on my last nerve. We lost our 2nd chicken to a hawk murder today.

Our big crest silkies must have felt safe going up to the hawk outside the enclosed run and was murdered by said hawk trying to have an easy lunch.

Guess I have more work to do on the run. :(

So very sorry to hear of your loss. It's never easy and that is such a hard way to lose them. Silkies are such good natured birds in my experience but they're not always the brightest. Especially if they can't see well due to their crests.

Congrats on the quail egg!

And I am not trying to tease you hahaha, just trying to find homes for some pairs so I can be less a couple of boys. 8 boys in the city isn't a good thing. But it seems like the crow collars are helping. It was a little bit more peaceful today.

 And that was a leghorn on top of the coop.

Thank you. Minus the crest my white sport legbar looks just about like her.

Also I was only kidding about the Cochins. I completely understand being in town and wanting to find them homes. I am so very tempted to take a pair and maybe in the spring I'll have to figure something out. My problem right now would only be about adding another boy when we're already still waiting and working on processing around 30 of our own and ones we received as chicks or juveniles. Otherwise we'd take them in a heartbeat!

I love your birds they're stunning and I would love it if you would share some more pics of the pairs you have available. You might also want to mention them on the WI thread. I know a while back there was a person looking for a bantam pair for show.
@chickendreams24 You beat me to it. We also got our 1st quail egg today! It's very tiny & light. DD went to hug a quail this afternoon & she discovered the egg. She thought I had put it there as a joke, & I thought the same of her. Unfortunately we also got our 1st quail injuries yesterday. The 3 brown quail decided to pick at the 3 white quail. I saw the white male mating the others, so perhaps the browns just had enough. Once a speck of blood was seen on his white feathers and they all attacked the white male. I pulled him out right away & by the time I set up a tote for him, the others started attacking the 2 white females too. Surprisingly it was the brown females doing the bulk of the pecking! In just a few minutes all 3 of whites looked scalped. So,now we have 2 cages of quail in the house. The wounds are healing more quickly than I thought possible and the white quail look pretty good today. For now, I'll let them heal in peace, and decide their fate later. I was hoping to keep any white females, but not if they regularly get attacked by their siblings. If anyone knows quail, could I have a diet issue or do quail normally peck on quail of diff color?
Here are my injured quail. They look so much better today - more bald than bloody.
A likely Female The Confirmed Male
Any ideas of something to mask their injury so they can go back? (Don't have blu-kote)
What do you have? From what I've read many people keep mixed flocks of quail and as long as they have enough space it isn't supposed to be a problem I don't think. Blue kote isn't very expensive and can be found probably at your local tractor supply. Make sure you get the blue not the red. We love it and always have it on hand for scrapes and cuts and such on the birds it's also convenient to spray on a bird if you need to mark them assuming they aren't a black bird. If you can I definitely recommend getting some and putting it in your first aid supplies for the flock. ****spoiler!! it does get everywhere when you use it though so don't be surprised when your hands are purple. If you don't have that I'm not sure what to recommend I would probably suggest iodine or gentle iodine possibly food coloring if there are no open wounds. Idk I would like to hear some other ideas if there are some. Also yes please if anyone has any insight into the quail behavior please let us know. I haven't seen aggressive behavior between any of our quail but assume that is where the injuries came from. That or overzealous breeding. ETA our quail also don't seem to be targeting all of one color. It seems like only two of the four whites have any injuries or missing feathers.
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@Faraday40 Just some thoughts. Do you think that 4.15 oz EGG was a joint venture effort by two of your hens???
I agree with Chickendreams that you should have blown that egg and saved the shell.

On the subject of mineral rich water you have. If you get a mineral build up on your water tank heater, you can remove that by immersing in vinegar. We run vinegar thru our coffee makers every so often when the brewing gets slow.

Edit: Also, what was the verdict on that small (tiny) brown egg a while back?
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