
Duck friends, can I feed a baby duck chick starter in a pinch? A neighbor found a single duckling in their yard and no mama nearby. They posted in our neighborhood FB group asking if anyone has seen mom or knows where this baby came from but it looks like it's only a few days old -- maybe a week? If she can't find the rest of the family soon, I wanted to walk over some chick starter just to get the little bit something to eat. I'm likely the only one in the neighborhood with anything even close. Unless we have someone with ducks who lost one! LOL!!
Baby duck is fine on chick starter :thumbsup
Do you know if it is a baby mallard, that are wild around here.? Mallards can also be raised domestically. I have a pair of mallards that visit me daily because I have a bird feeder that does spill onto the ground. Its like a lovely set of pets, MAINTENANCE FREE.

Thanks!! Here's the little one:

Good news! They took the little one down to the pond to see if anyone looked familiar and it went straight into the pond with a duck family and seemed to be happy as ever. Reunited and it feels so good! Of course all of the neighborhood kids have vowed to go check on it later today and forever to be sure, but it seems like our little friend found its way home.
After weeks of only getting 1 egg from the SLOs. (One layer and 3 free-loaders) I got 2 eggs today!
Now I just need my rooster to figure out how to fertilize them.....
I bet one of those might have been sweethearts. I'm finally starting to get eggs from the others out here. In odd places, but getting a few.
We are in search of NPIP Disease testers.
Pullorum and avian and if there is any other testing needed that is new. We have not been checked by the state yet because they have suggested searching for testers with antigen/specimen to test first. That will be are longer wait. Can anyone help with dwindling down the list of who is still available to provide the service. Thank you so much!!!!!

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