
Oh there are some out there but they dont come in here often.
ohhh, Im from southern Illinois...Mt. Vernon area too! I'm in field township, up by devils prop out tolle road. I have 10 golden comet girls about 3 months old, and I love em!
hi im from ill martinsville, ap.30 miles west of terra haute ind on 70, 7 various laying hens 1 adult roo 2 male peking ducks(who need a new home) 5 golden polish 5 buff lace polish 4 lt brahamas 4 sumatrans 7 silkies 1 phinoxe 3.5 moth olds for 4h and a hen and 2 chicks.
Hello all! I'm new ... googled backyard chickens IL and found you all! I have no chickens. I live essentially in Elgin in a small yard.

My husband is pretty against the idea - I am very much for it! He feels it would take too much work and that we'd tick off the neighbors. But I was reading in a book today, if you don't have roosters, some breeds are very quiet. Is this really true?

Does anyone in the area have chickens and how does your neighborhood react to it?

Thanks so much!

I have neighbors on every side of the street and get only hens. Some breeds are quieter than others. I live IN the city limits.

Do your research on breeds on egg laying, disposition, confinement capablities and housing.
Hi Larry,

We grew up fairly close to one another. I grew up outside of Sycamore on the the Sycamore side of the Sycamore/Burlington school district line. The Kleins farmed across the creek from us and my grandparents went to the Methodist church in Burlington. Small world.
I agree with Ewesheep, what I did was reaserch the breeds and hatcheries I ordered 6 Pullets but got 5 pullets 1 Roo, my boyfriend also did not want any roosters but nothing is 100% certain-We are in Maple Park beteen Elburn and Sycamore, Illinois. Our neighbors know that we got 1 roo, and I told them if he is bothering them to let me know, then we will go from there. I have grown to really appriciate him and now my chickens are 13 weeks old, we take it one day at a time and hopfully nobody will say he is getting to them. Good Luck and WELCOME-people on here are wonderful!

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