
I usually order for the first week of April, but sometimes they send them earlier. They recommend middle of March.
I’ll do a bunch of yellow Spanish, a bunch of red zeppelin and bunch of Patterson and a bunch of cipollini.
If you’d like payment before delivery, message me your address.
Thanks for doing this!
Our greenhouse is coming along here. Pavers, benches and an upcycled potting station are all installed. DS is liking it a lot.
Hey all! I've been MIA since before the holidays with a hefty plate but trying to get my stuff together now and be a normal human again. Or at least something that resembles is. LOL!!! My ladies have been laying really well since their winter break ended. I know the world is short of eggs but I'm getting 6-7 a day from 12 hens in February so I can't really complain. My youngest son's middle school started a baking club which he was super happy about as a future chef. We've been sending eggs so they can stay in business between the cost and the difficulty even buying them. I don't have enough to sell but giving them away always feels good.

Happy to see the temps moving toward spring numbers and away from the "chicken water freezes" zone and hope everyone is well!
I hope everybody is holding in there with the winds today. I send to have called down a bit for now, but it was nasty out there this morning. It's a good thing is still early in the year and there's no leaves on the trees or thre would be several down worth these winds I think.

I'm thankful I secured the new greenhouse panels with extra measures when I built it. All the poly panels are still in place (for now at least, hoping I don't jynx it).
A few of the zip ties on my tarp ripped off but I'm not even bothering to re-secure since it will only be another month before I take it off. But I am irritated with tomorrow's weather. I just re-attached my hose yesterday so I could use the jet spray to clean the waterer. It was getting gross all winter and short of pouring hot water over it and bringing it inside before freezing, there wasn't much I could do. So I cleaned it and refilled but I took out the salt water bottle because it's been above 32 for a bit and looked like it was going to stay that way. Enter tomorrow's wintery mix advisory. I realize it's February in Illinois, but I was so ready to be done with frozen water!!
Nothing like coming home and finding your dog had a party while you were away. When we opened the door he came running up to us with a wagging tail and a knife in his mouth. (He likes to chew on the handle)

Years ago we had to hide the knives inside a cabinet because he kept stealing them from the wooden block. We accidentally left a knife on the table next to a danish box. Oh, the danish and about a dozen dinner rolls I just baked also disappeared.
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Nothing like coming home and finding your dog had a party while you were away. When we opened the door he came running up to us with a wagging tail and a knife in his mouth. (He likes to chew on the handle)

Years ago we had to hide the knives inside a cabinet because he kept stealing them from the wooden block. We accidentally left a knife on the table next to a danish box. Oh, the danish and about a dozen dinner rolls I just baked also disappeared.
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You left the part of the knife wielding dog out when you told me. Can you just imagine a stranger coming in the door with a dog running around with a knife in its mouth?!?

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