
Good Idea!
So far I'm likein this whole Swap thing. I'm guessing and saying that it is still going to be in Decatur? If so I'll just spend the night at my sisters house.

Yes as far as I know from Sheila.

This sounds like a fabulous idea! I was wondering, what were the dates we were thinking of doing this? I understand that the dates may not work for everyone, but I would like to have some kind of idea
I'm very excited! Lol
This is the last thing posted by Sheila with possible date information. Nothing else has been settled.
Mrs. Cannon :

Hi all! I don't want to be a pain, but I am on my phones Internet with crap signal and I don't have Internet out here! But is there a chicken swap being talked about?! If so, we are definitly in. I live in Vandalia so decatuer (sp) wouldn't be a horrible drive for me. I breed FBCM, LF wyandottes, and silkies .... For now;)

What color of silkies? And do you have any pictures of them?​
I'm trying to think when we could have it where everyone could go. I know that some people wouldn't want it on a weekday.
Anyone in the middle of the state have a farm or at least an area we could have a get together? Maybe an acre where people could bring their campers if they wanted.
I guess I had been missing the post. But I havent been on too much lately been kinda busy and my friends husband was killed in a car wreck the other night. Would fall be better? I think we all agree Saturday would be better. Would be nice to do a swap but unless we can get someone to commit to having it at their farm I guess thats not gonna happen. I do need to know a date which would be good for everyone can book the park most Saturdays in July and august or even into September. Give me some feed back please.
When is the state fair?

I think you should try this even if there is another meeting planned.

Every operturnity to met fellow bird crazy - oh I mean - bird loving people is a GREAT thing!

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