Illness or shock?


10 Years
Dec 19, 2013
Today my usually flighty Ameracauna has been standing in the corner of the run and coop, or wandering over to the waterer/feeder and just staring at them. She's laid an egg in the last 24 hours, her comb is nice bright red, and I can't see any external signs of illness... mites, injuries, etc. Her down layer is coming out here and there, though I thought she already molted this past fall (I can't remember 100%, honestly).

However! We're fostering a pitbull who got into the run yesterday and was chasing the chickens. He wasn't trying to kill them so much as play, thankfully. I'm wondering if she's basically traumatized from that and just needs some R&R.

The hen is 3 years old. I feed them 22% organic layer pellets plus occasional kitchen scraps. They have a 5-gallon top-fill waterer. And they are in an 8x10 hoop coop with an additional 25x25 outdoor pen. Deep litter shavings inside (full cleanout & deworming in April), mulch outside. I'm not sure about her poop. Her feathers aren't caked or anything.

We don't have livestock vets around here, and I can't afford/justify the prices of the exotic vets, so home or OTC remedies, if applicable.
Like I put a dunce cap on her.

She's not favoring either foot.

Just now, she was laying down in the run like she was nesting, but it's raining, so I moved her to the coop, and she went to the corner and stood there for a minute, then sunk down to the same position she was in when I picked her up. No egg from her today so far.
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If she's egg bound, is Tums ok to use as calcium? Or can I grind up some oyster shell for the calcium shot?


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I've given syringes of calcium and water as well as water and ACV. I gave her a warm soak for 20 minutes and rubbed EVOO around her vent. And I left her scrambled eggs in a little dish. I'll check on her again when I get back home. 🤷‍♀️
Well, she didn’t make it. 😞 She was dying when I came back, but she’d laid an egg.
It looked like she'd had some diarrhea, too, but I discovered that the waterer I left in the crate with her tilted, leaked out, and soaked the towels I had under her. And right before she died, she had very watery diarrhea with yellowish-white bits in it. Could that have been the calcium shot?

And what does it sound like did her in? The wet towels, an illness, or egg binding? I'm mostly curious to figure out if she had a disease and hope it can't pass to us. I tossed her eggs, but it's possible we ate one of hers either this morning or yesterday morning. And I keep them on the counter because we go through them pretty quickly. The other hens seem ok so far, but should I toss everyone's eggs for a while and keep an eye on them?

I'm kind of discouraged. I was planning on getting a whole bunch of chicks, but this happened. We've had sick and predated birds before, so I'm not sure why this is getting to me now.
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