I'm a chickenaholic and I need help. lol


Jun 26, 2018
Easley, SC
I am swimming in chicks and I think I'm finally able to stem the 'gotta have' problem I have been suffering from. LOL Who needs this many chickens. According to chicken math I have about 10 but gosh the pens and now the storm coming has made me really notice how many I've accumulated. EEEEK Do I regret it? NOT in the least. I LOVE them!

We went into Tractor Supply Sunday and I did not expect them to have any chicks. Friday they had just ducks and normally got chicks in on Thursday or Friday and in our area they always sell out Friday or by the latest Saturday. So a trip into TSC on a Sunday seemed harmless enough. The only thing I've ever seen on Sundays was the Cornish crosses or ducks and that's not often. Well this time they had chicks, these chicks...

Sapphire Gems (which yes I did recently order! but who can say no to more in front of you?) So I wanted the 2 Sapphire Gems (yes there's a 3rd, I'll get to that in a second). Well they require you to buy 4 minimum so I said I'd take 2 of the others (Sienna Stars) but that would leave just 2 or 3 chicks and I felt bad. So I said I'd take them all. So the guy is collecting the chicks and when he moved the waterer in order to get the last 2, he uncovered the 3rd Sapphire Gem! The poor baby was under the waterer!!! Not even up on feed cans like they do, just full on it! I was floored! Naturally we took it too. Thankfully it seems completely fine.

But with 2 brooders going, one with 25 chicks and now the second with 13 I have to stop. Who could refuse though!

Anyway familiar with Sienna Stars? I've seen them online but not really found many photos or info from people who actually have them. They're apparently a Sussex x Brown Leghorn sex-link though so they seem like they'd be nice layers and good birds.

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