I'm a first-time Chicken mom, is this a good mix?

I like the suggestion to get 1 of each, 6 different breeds. They are very entertaining, your kiddos will LOVE them! I think having them all look so different would be very fun! I got 2 of each, because I had been warned they die easy, well, all are still going strong! Each time I go to the feed store (or see what Mary, The Warden is hatching) I want more too!
My chicks are still little but so far the red sex links are probably the calmest, they fall asleep on us and seem to especially like my 2.5yo. The Ameracauna/EEs are the funniest for sure, they like to roost on us and they are also the ones who do the most running/chasing. And one of them will ride a toilet paper roll from one side of the bed to the other, i rarely hear my 2.5yo laugh as hard as he does for that! I also have 2 black sex links, they are nice, too, so far just not as sweet or as entertaining as the others.
Well, now you've all got me thinking about 6 different birds!! So, how about this (one of each): Barred Rock, White Plymouth Rock, Golden Comet, Buff Orpington, Black Australorp, and an Easter Egger? I'm just afraid one might be a rooster and one might die and then I won't get that breed....so many choices! I'm so excited for the chicks and I can already tell this is going to be rather addicting.
By the way,
You're gonna LOVE this site! As far as your choice goes, I wouldn't over-think it too much. I have several of the breeds you've mentioned, and love them all for different reasons. My favorite tasting eggs come from my Golden Sex Links though - Yummmmy! And my friendliest, sit on your lap, let the kids pet them chickens are my Cochins, although their eggs are really small. Really, though, I think whatever you decide, you're gonna love your chickens! No worries - just jump!
It's fine to have "one of each", if they are similar sized birds. Some will be more dominant, others more submissive, but that's going to be the case whatever combination of birds and breeds you get. And if you are prepared, as it seems you are, I don't think you need to "count on" losing chicks necessarily. Of 50 my neighbor and I ordered last year, we lost not a one. And they were all pullets (except the freebie). So... I have a few LB hens. They are not very friendly, they are quite large, and while they lay regularly, their eggs are rather small, so the "feed conversion ratio" isn't as good as some other breeds. They are handsome, though, but of my 27 chickens, they are the ones I am thinking of selling to reduce the size of my flock and save a little on the really expensive organic layer I feed. Just another thought.
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I'm awaiting my order (to be shipped 4/12 - whoo hoo!) of 1 Easter Egger, 1 Black Australorp, 1 Speckled Sussex, 1 RIR, 1 Barred Rock, 1 Red Star, and 3 blue Silkies.
I'm so excited...
We have 1 each of the the following, EE,
Cuckoo Maran,
Barred Rock,
Jersey Giant(Black),
Buff Orpington(My Favorite),
Salmon Feverolle

And 6 Blue Silkies.

Enjoy your new chicks.

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