I'm about to give up.... NOT ANY MORE!!! Update on Page 3!!

Aren't those itty bitty pullet eggs so cute! Awwww!
Dear Beer, I feel your pain. After raising 25 SR rare chicks by hand for the past 21 weeks now, I too am beginging to wonder where the eggs are. I have Ameraucanas, Lakenvelders, Polish, Sultans, etc. and nary a one has so much as acted like it wanted to sit for roosters, me or the weather. They have a large coop with netting, feed galore, fresh water every day, and I sing to them. Where are my eggs?
!!!! Finally !!!!

After all of the time and money....the ladies finally hit pay dirt today. I guess you gotta post that you are about to give up. Unfortunately I had to cull one of my two roosters yesterday due to he had a leg injury he just could not recover from. Maybe that scared them to produce (I hope that's not the reason).

It's an itty bitty one but it's a darn good start. I am so freak'n happy!!!


RIP Gumbo. He'll be honored by going in the next pot of gumbo I cook.
Squatting is a submissive behavior. If they squat for you are the king/queen. They usually start doing it before they start laying. There is a post on one of the threads on BYC that has some pictures.
squatting means they want to be bred.... just scratch their backs, because it stimulates egg production...

if you dont believe me.. next time they squat.. "tickle" the side of their tail and see what happens...
it is also proven that when the rooster stands on the hen, he shifts his weight and "scratches" their backs.. this stimulates the let down of eggs folicals..
hens that live with no rooster tend to do this behavior to humans much more often than hens that live with several roosters..

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