Im am new, my name is Mary...


5 Years
Apr 19, 2014
I am Mary and I live near Asheville, NC. My friend has beautiful chickens and I am getting started-just ordered a small but very functional coop which should be here in about a week. We have 2 horses, 2 mini cocker spaniels and 2 mini persian cats with one about to have a litter of kittens. Also we have 9 children and 10 grandchildren. I thought we needed a few chickens.
I already ordered 4 silkie bantams. I am looking for about 2 bantam polish chickens-anyone out there can you help me?
And I can use ALL the chicken advice anyone can give me. I am so glad to be in this group. I will hand on every word I read.
Mary in NC

Welcome to BYC!

So glad you could join our community!! You might want to stop by your state thread in hopes that maybe another member nearby has these birds you are looking for...

You can also check our Buy Sell and Trade section too. Maybe someone here can help you as well...

If you can locate someone in your state thread that might be willing to split an order with you from a hatchery. Good luck with all your projects and poultry and welcome to our flock!!
Hi Mary - you said the magic words "mini Cockers." I used to show and breed cockers many years ago. Generally every litter of buff/red had one or more mini versions. It wasn't deliberate, and they were not runts or sickly. They were just perfectly scaled down models. Our favorite was Muffy who weighed in about 12 lbs. Her half brother was full sized and 26 lbs.

Some show breeder offered me $ 500 for her when she went Best in Match at an all breed Match show. He wanted to breed her to a Maltese to keep the small size. No way!! We had her for 14 years- what a character.

Sorry but, really loved my dogs. I know the others responding will talk chickens, so forgive me.
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Cool. They are a hard breed to find but I love them. We have a one year old and want to breed her on her second heat but don't know where to find a stud. Any ideas (we are in NC)?


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