I'm Building an Incubator - please don't bother asking permission to laugh at me

Like OMG!
Omigosh...it did it again!!! I'm pointing up at the sky saying funny posts!

I have four pen sized holes in the top o my lid.
Plus the two thumb sized holes that should only be pen sized in the side.
How many does Sally put in??

As an after thought, instead of cutting a hole in the lid...you could possibly have gotten a full sized clear piece and saved having to cut the hole in the lid. I just thought of that now.
Some who do fridges and/or their own cabinet incubators sometimes do this.

Of course, you wouldn't have the tricked out beer holder lid.
OR you could put legs on the lid and made a table outta it???
Omigosh...it did it again!!! I'm pointing up at the sky saying funny posts! :rant

I have four pen sized holes in the top o my lid.
Plus the two thumb sized holes that should only be pen sized in the side.
How many does Sally put in??

As an after thought, instead of cutting a hole in the lid...you could possibly have gotten a full sized clear piece and saved having to cut the hole in the lid. I just thought of that now. :rolleyes:   Some who do fridges and/or their own cabinet incubators sometimes do this.

Of course, you wouldn't have the tricked out beer holder lid.
OR you could put legs on the lid and made a table outta it??? :clap
Lol, I thought about making a Lear lid, but thought the cooler lid would insulate better, good thought on the legs
And you're correct...it will insulate better. AND you get to keep the beer holders. It's a win-win!!!:woot

I've also never seen anyone cut a plastic cooler.
(The plastic coolers intimidate me)

 So now I know how to do it!!!  Thank you!!!:yiipchick  
I might use a bigger cutting wheel next time lol!! Or something more powerful than a 15 yo dremel

Normal people use a jig saw to cut them, but I don't own one so dremel it was :D
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As a side note I am starting to see why people have multiple incubators/hatchers...
It helps to keep the different breeds/specific eggs separate.

I see a plastic incubator in my future...
Quote: Really? I never thought of using a jigsaw to cut one.
I WILL use a jig saw. I WON'T use a skill saw. Scares that crappola outta me.
My husband doesn't like the jigsaw...says it's too dangerous...lol. I just bought 2 jigsaws last year!

Oh man...do you know how trouble I'm gonna be in if I start making plastic coolers?? A LOT!!

I also like the idea of you're dremel. I could do that (if I get one)
As a side note I am starting to see why people have multiple incubators/hatchers... It helps to keep the different breeds/specific eggs separate. I see a plastic incubator in my future...
Really? I never thought of using a jigsaw to cut one. I WILL use a jig saw. I WON'T use a skill saw. Scares that crappola outta me. My husband doesn't like the jigsaw...says it's too dangerous...lol. I just bought 2 jigsaws last year! :woot Oh man...do you know how trouble I'm gonna be in if I start making plastic coolers?? A LOT!! :oops: I also like the idea of you're dremel. I could do that (if I get one)
I would love to have a jig saw!! As well as many other things but like you there are some tools I won't touch, like circular saw- I've seen too many accidents with them

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