I'm Building an Incubator - please don't bother asking permission to laugh at me

I went to a yard sale where the fellow was selling a chop saw (I wanted that so I could cut things) AND he had several rabbit cages 'n stuff.
Turned out he had a whole load of tools as well...bought the 2 jigs for $10 a piece. Couldn't let that deal get away...lol. I was just in the right place at the right time for once...lol.
I went to a yard sale where the fellow was selling a chop saw (I wanted that so I could cut things) AND he had several rabbit cages 'n stuff.
Turned out he had a whole load of tools as well...bought the 2 jigs for $10 a piece. Couldn't let that deal get away...lol. I was just in the right place at the right time for once...lol.
Sounds like it! I would have bought them lol
So what's next on your agenda?
Ok so I made a smidge of progress this morning. I cut the hole in the lid, my poor little dremel was not happy about it

Getting ready


Oops I broke the cutting disc, luckily I have 20 more :D


First layer cut, hey wait- didn't someone tell me these were hollow? Darn it

Don't tell my hubby but I may have sacrificed a steak knife to cut the foam, and then I used the steak knife to mark the corners on the next layer, I also used a little sauce pan like a hammer :oops: the knife did not survive, but may be gluable


Oops I broke another one, Mann do those little pieces fly! Where are my safety glasses?


Alright I'm through but didn't do a good job marking the 2nd cut


Hmmmm need to figure out how to take that edge off, already put the dremel away.....

Ummm no pictures of this lol, but I tried a block plane, then saw a saw, I went with the saw. Rather over sized for the application but I propped the cooler lid on a gallon of paint and went to town, I held the lid in place with my bare feet (I do have a brain, it just wasn't in use at the moment), my feet survived and I got that edge taken care of. I used a flat exacto knife (like a chisel) and took the jagged edges off too


Good enough

My hubby told me where the drill is but told me to mark where I wanted it drilled and he would do it when he got home from work. Probably a good thing he wasn't home to see my escapades this morning


:lau :clap

What is the recommendation on number of vent holes an placement?

I did this many on each side, but I'd recommend doing 1/2 that. It holds humidity better.

I might use a bigger cutting wheel next time lol!! Or something more powerful than a 15 yo dremel

Normal people use a jig saw to cut them, but I don't own one so dremel it was :D

LOL! Man, I wish I could have done a road trip & helped ya. I've got a jig saw that stays in the rafters too much.
So what's next on your agenda? :ya

I was just contemplating the vent holes and the fans

:lau :clap
I did this many on each side, but I'd recommend doing 1/2 that. It holds humidity better.

LOL! Man, I wish I could have done a road trip & helped ya. I've got a jig saw that stays in the rafters too much.
how deep is your tote? I remember you saying that

It really only took like 20 minutes it coul have been faster but I got distracted a couple times
I was just contemplating the vent holes and the fans
how deep is your tote? I remember you saying that

It really only took like 20 minutes it coul have been faster but I got distracted a couple times

About 13 inches deep, not sure, I just used my knuckles to measure as all 3 tape measures are not here at the moment. :oops:
You could have totally came with us!! (If you lived near us:yiipchick )
It was a HOT day. :sick
We're kicking ourselves that we didn't buy laser level kit. :he  :barnie
I'm sure glad I bought all the cages, needed them last year. Lifesaver...:yesss:
Lol some laser levels are easier to use than others

Judging by your screen name you can't be too far from me lol, it's a wicked good name
This laser level kit was for measuring yard sites, grades of your yard...or would set a line around an entire room. It was a 360 laser level...beyond cool.
But did we buy it? No.

By google maps...you would be approx. 31 hours or so away from me.

I'm from Manitoba, Canada.
17.9 Holes and placement should be in the bator.

That's where they fit
Hmmmm just 1? I think the styrofoam one I borrowed had 2 in the lid and a couple little ones in the floor of it
The styros do. Not sure why the plastic one doesn't. I guess being so thin plastic, it is the only way to hold temp.

Lol, I thought about making a Lear lid, but thought the cooler lid would insulate better, good thought on the legs
What is a "Lear lid"?

I really do like my beer holders
Me too! And

As a side note I am starting to see why people have multiple incubators/hatchers...
It helps to keep the different breeds/specific eggs separate.

I see a plastic incubator in my future...

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