I'm finally a momma!!!! *Pic heavy* New Px Pg6

yeah they can be stinky just wash out the brooder regularly lol but they are too cute
HAHA silly!!!!

Well yes I am enjoying my peeps. however even after changing the bedding in the brooder and cleaning the feed and water they still stink. Staaaanky poops.

12 baby chicks make lots of stanky poops.

But my coop is getting closer to being completed (I haven't updated it but I have been working on it) and they're getting closer to being able to go outside!!! :)
question. What can I use to confine them for outside time? I'll be out there with them of course but I want to keep them confined to a certain area.
For the first few times when they were still tiny, i used 2 X 6 's in a triangle and i sat in the middle with them. Had it on hand. when they figured out there was more of a world outside the boards, i used a roll of chicken wire and put moveable posts like a driveway snow marker that pushed into the ground to keep them in safety circle. It got bigger as they did. I think the roll costed me about $20 at TSC or Lowes. It was only the three foot high wire so it was easy to move around and resize.
I'm a 13-year-old father. My parents must be so proud!
Well, we first got 7. 3 Buff Orpingtons, 3 black stars, and 1 Australorp. Well, we then went into town to get turkeys, but they had none. So why waste a trip? We got 5 more that are 2 weeks apart from the other ones. Theyre ameracunas. Adorable, I must say! They're doing well, and we have them in a pretty big coop, they seem to be pretty strong and hearty birds. Well, I hope you enjoy yours as much as we do!
And remeber, if you want hens, always refer to unsexed birds as SHE! Think positive! :)
Oh, and for keeping them in or whatever, we had a coop built for big chickens already, since we were planning on it already. We have a pretty big fenced in area for outside time, and a big sturdy door that opens and closes. We have a big window on the side to keep viewing easy, well, that and it was my old club house. Haha. So when we want them out, we open the door, and when we want them in, we close it.
I'm still talking my mother into the fact that keeping backyard chickens is a great investment and a great adventure. I hope to have some chicks and a brooding hen in 6months or so.

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