I'm Going For It Bob-Bird Time!

I'm gonna set me up a pen of Italian type birds one of these days. Have to be my favorite color coturnix. I dont even really care if there jumbo of not. They are just birds that are pretty. Bill

I kina feel the same about rosettas I have mostly brown and white coturnix but I have one small pen of roesettas they seem calmer/sweeter then the rest
Still no news on the shipment of Bob Bird eggs but I did order Jumbo Brown and White eggs from a source on the forum.

They are in the email.
Post pictures!

This weekend I will.I got to put him and a bob-bird hen together to breed bob birds.I do,for your entertainment,have a pic of one of his sons in the chicken run with the chickens and guineas.Here you go:


Hes on the left of the waterer.

thanks for clarifying...
Bob bird roo crouchs down his body, lifts up his head and grr's when I approach the cage. It's like a rattlesnake warning without the fear of the bite. Do bob whites make this display? Coturnix Roos do nothing like this.

Have a set of Stromberg bob birds in a cage session by themselves. Will incubate their eggs after the butler and Georgia giants hatch.

Kept the roo with the closes thing to a mask. Display is cute. These two bob birds found each other and paired off originally in a colony cage full of coturnix.
This weekend I will.I got to put him and a bob-bird hen together to breed bob birds.I do,for your entertainment,have a pic of one of his sons in the chicken run with the chickens and guineas.Here you go:


Hes on the left of the waterer.

thanks for clarifying...


Man you guys just don't let up on each other do ya? Reminds me of many Thanksgiving dinners I've spent listening to family members recite with vivid recollection my own embarrassing lapses in better judgment. Nice to be on this side of the table for a change.

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