I'm going to incubate quails again


In the Brooder
5 Years
Sep 24, 2014
Hello everyone. I have recently hatched 5 out of 12 eggs of coturnix quails. 1 died and left me with 4. It was a poor hatch but i am only a beginner. I'm going to do this again with more eggs this time. Can someone answer me some questions

Do I turn eggs when they are setting between 12-24 hours room temperature?

Do I turn eggs 3-4 times a day in the first day?

Do i lock down day 14 or 15? (15th day is what I did last time)

How much water do I add?

What humidity do I need to have?

What temperature shall I have?

Please help me :) thanks
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If they are only at room temp for 12-24 hours they would only need turning maybe once. Turning 3 times a day is ok but five is better always an odd number is best so that when they are not turned on a night they don't spend two nights in row on the same side. I would lockdown on day 14 this gives the chicks chance to get into position for hatching. You don't need as much water as you think it depends on your incubator. Humidity is created by the surface area of water and not the depth of water. Eggs need to lose enough moisture over the incubation period so that the air cell grows adequately for the chick to pip into. Humidity should be 45% day 1-14 and 65% for lockdown. I incubate quail at 37.7 Celsius. Hope this helps and good luck with your hatch :frow
Yes I used to turn on the first day before I got an auto turn cradle. And now as soon as I have set eggs I switch the turner on. The only time I would not turn straight away is if they were posted eggs they need time to settle.
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Mine are posted eggs. So when I get them I'll set them for 12 hours and turn them once and first day put them in the incubator give them couple hours and turn then wait another few hours and turn and so on preferably 5 times a day best
https://www.backyardchickens.com/a/hatching-eggs-101 This link has good tips on incubating shipped/posted eggs. Sorry I didn't realise you were doing posted ones they are a whole different ball game. When you receive them leave them to settle for at least 24 hours at room temp no turning. Then when you set them don't turn them. I would say for quail 2 days. Coming through the post can cause them to have damaged air cells.

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