Im going to squeeze them...


too many projects too little time!
11 Years
May 2, 2008
Pensacola, FL

Ok so the ladies are turning 20 weeks tomorrow.

I just put in 4 inches of pine chips in each of the 8 nest boxes. And a golf ball. I have everyone saving their egg cartons, (I have a good stack) and have switched them to layer feed.

All that is left to do is to start squeezing them..
I waited and waited and waited for my girls to start laying. I had everyone saving their egg cartons. I even went to a local restaurant and asked them to save me their egg flats. Each flat hold 2 1/2 dozen eggs.

I then waited and waited and waited. I would go to the chicken house each night and give the girls a pep talk. No luck.

One day I was looking around the chicken house and I stepped on something hard that turned really soft after I stepped on it. I dug around in the shavings to find hidden eggs all over the floor buried under the shavings. I guess they would scratch out a nest and lay the egg and then cover it up. I guess they thought they were sea turtles. I have no idea. I disposed of all the eggs that were buried. I made a really cool nest box out of a 5 gallon bucket and screwed it to the wall. I took the old wooden one down. I then placed a golf ball in the new nest. They all now lay in the bucket. I go in every night and collect the nice, neat pile of eggs laying in the pine shavings. No more hidden eggs.

I bet those hens thought I was crazy talking to them. Probably cackling to themselves after I left.

Good luck. The eggs will come. Sometimes you just have to look for them.


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