Im gonna be a grandmama


Aug 7, 2023
Windham, Ohio
Well she's on this clutch and candling today reveled at least 8 are coming along nice and veiny lol the dark brown ones were hard to see into with the flashlight were 9 days in
I sure hope she's a good mama my concern is my sassy pants rooster and what he'll do when they hatch
With living animals you do not get guarantees. Some people on this forum have horror stories to tell about that.

My flock master roosters do one of two things. They might help Mama take care of her chicks, especially if she is having problems. Most of my flock master roosters ignore the chicks. I've never had a dominant mature rooster threaten chicks. Subordinate mature roosters do much the same. They tend to either help or ignore.

Immature cockerels, the other mature hens, and immature pullets might threaten the chicks. It does not happen often but it can happen. When it does, Mama whips butt. She is so mad none of the others can face her. Some people tell stories where their broody did not protect her chicks. I've never seen that but it can happen.

As I said, some people tell bad stories about any of this. You don't get guarantees. I think it helps if Mama has room to work, many bad stories seem to come from people with small coops and runs. But you don't get guarantees in any case.

I'll end this post by saying I personally have never had these problems and I typically have three or four broody hens raise their chicks with the flock each year.
With living animals you do not get guarantees. Some people on this forum have horror stories to tell about that.

My flock master roosters do one of two things. They might help Mama take care of her chicks, especially if she is having problems. Most of my flock master roosters ignore the chicks. I've never had a dominant mature rooster threaten chicks. Subordinate mature roosters do much the same. They tend to either help or ignore.

Immature cockerels, the other mature hens, and immature pullets might threaten the chicks. It does not happen often but it can happen. When it does, Mama whips butt. She is so mad none of the others can face her. Some people tell stories where their broody did not protect her chicks. I've never seen that but it can happen.

As I said, some people tell bad stories about any of this. You don't get guarantees. I think it helps if Mama has room to work, many bad stories seem to come from people with small coops and runs. But you don't get guarantees in any case.

I'll end this post by saying I personally have never had these problems and I typically have three or four broody hens raise their chicks with the flock each year.
We have a 10×12 shed turned coop they have about 10x10 after I took a bit in the front for storage. They have do a large run outside but for the most part they free range so I guess I'll have to rethink that with peeps lol there's plenty of room to keep them in for a bit if need be the momma is a little over a year old and I've never hatched peeps out myself so it'll be a learning curve for all

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