I'm gonna have a problem. :(

My cousins famous.

I am related to Einstein. Doesn't do me much good though, lol.

Seriously though, if your mom thinks you have too many animals and it is her land, then mommy is right. I'd be at home as long as possible, when you get out on your own, things are usually much harder.
My cousins famous.

I am related to Einstein. Doesn't do me much good though, lol.

Seriously though, if your mom thinks you have too many animals and it is her land, then mommy is right. I'd be at home as long as possible, when you get out on your own, things are usually much harder.

I got over it, i have someone coming to take 9 since thats how many im getting in the spring. 3 adult hens my only roo and 5 chicks.
It will be worth it come spring when i get my silver laced gold laced and blr wyandottes and a speckled sussex and a buff silkie.
I'm glad you found someone to take them. I have a White Rock, and I love her to pieces. She has the most wonderful personality, very social. She is big and beefy and a pretty decent layer too. I know how you feel about wanting to move. I'm guessing you are late teens, not sure, but I felt exactly the same. My mom and I did not get along. I was the only animal lover in the family, my mom wouldn't even let pets come in the house. (I'd sneek them in when she was upstairs, which was alot
) You know how some kids bring home a stray, mom gets mad, but most times you end up keeping it? Over the years as a kid, any stray that I brought home, my mom took me directly to the shelter to leave it there. Very hard on a little kid. I lived out in the country and was always bored. When I finally did move out and bought a house with my now, husband, we bought what we could afford. It was exactly what I wanted. A nice house on a 1/4 acre lot in the city. OMG, after 1 year I wanted out! My truck got broken into, my husbands car got broken into twice, drunk people sleeping on the sidewalk in front of your house, and did I mention I could see directly into my neighbors house from my kitchen window? I'm glad I lived there though. I got it out of my system, and now we live on 3 acres out in the country. I actually live in a city I swore I never would when I grew up. It was the town where all the "hicks" lived, lol. I know it stinks now, because you are under someone else's rules, but such is life. In the grand scheme of things, it is only a small part of your life. I agree, stay as long as you can stand it. It is very hard out on your own, no matter how wonderful it may seem. If you hate it so bad, I suggest you start saving $$ now. At least you would be doing something that was productively getting you where you want to be.

I do blame my mom for all the pets I have now though. If she would of just let me have more as a kid, I wouldn't of gone hog wild when I was on my own
I looked at your page. Very pretty birds, I'm sure the people that are getting some will love them. It's funny, I have Silkies, a Pekin female as well, and just ordered some Sex Links. Great minds must think alike
The geese are adorable!
You talk about wantng to be famous, did you know people travel from all over the world for NY's theater?The same can be said for NY's Museums. Enjoy what the state has in your on backyard.
I have a few friends that post the most incredible photos of upstate New York, the rivers, waterfalls, rocks, trees....so pretty!

Not sure what kind of famous your cousin is, but make sure it is the kid of famous that means people will want to hire you for a job and not infamous and people will want to whisper about you and keep you a mile away
Its not that i dont like where i live i just dont like the people that are here id rather live on my own island with no people then live in a town. I was the opposite from you if i found stuff like once i found a baby bunny my cats brought in to the barn untouched i kept it as a pet until my mom got sick of it and said she was gonna put it down. But she released it back to the wild 5 years later. My brother once found a baby chipmunk and kept it as a pet. I once resued a seagull that couldnt fly. And was blind. One day i wished i had a deer as a pet few min later their was a deer that got hit by a car. I wish i would of wished for something better I was a little kid though. And about 3 years ago i was gone for the weekend and asked her to feed my birds and fish i had 12 budgies at the time when i came back only 5 were alive because she never fed them so i dont trust people. And everything i have now i paid 100% for. No ones aloud to touch them.
The people that took them said they were trying to grow their flock so at least their going with other chickens. I was going to process my roo but didnt have the heart to since he calmed down and wasnt being mean anymore as for what they do with him. If i dont know i dont care.

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