Im having problems with these waterers*sigh*

Pennies also work like a charm in bird baths and flower vases. Just need a few....3-5 or so depending on the size, so throw a couple in your waterer. I agree that plastic is a problem.
I routinely rinse mine out with mild soap & water, add ACV to each time I refill it which is daily. This helps & only takes seconds.
if copper does work, then any hardware store will have copper plumbing parts. just a pipe coupler or piece of pipe in the waterer may work. I may have to try this on the horse water trough. too

I certainly does. Just DON'T ever use an "activator" with it. Use it from the bottle, and it's not toxic to the chickens if you follow the recommendations on the bottle and at the shagbarkbantams site mentioned above. In fact it's sometimes used as a cure since it kills every bacteria, fungus, and virus that it contacts.

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