I'm Heartbroken

Dottie the Chicken

Lover of Jesus, cows, and chickens
May 8, 2020
Just some minutes ago I went over to my henhouse of 68 chickens to open up and give them water. I opened the door and saw my sweet Lucille, silver laced wyandotte with a single comb hatched in March, on the floor dead. Chickens were picking at her dead body. I didn't notice anything wrong with her last night! Though I also didn't sit and study every birds behavior either. I'm heartbroken! I know God's in control, but this is the first time in a while I've balled so hard. :hit
I’m so sorry!!! I know some people don’t have a bond with a chicken but I had a beautiful hen who was nicer than my dog who passed away almost a year ago and I’m still pretty sad about it. Her name is midnight 😢 I’m sorry once again for your loss! It’s really hard to lose an animal that was close to you


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Thank you guys. Here are some pictures.
I am so sorry! I’m sure God doesn’t mind if you cry so let it out. :hugs
I’m so sorry!!! I know some people don’t have a bond with a chicken but I had a beautiful hen who was nicer than my dog who passed away almost a year ago and I’m still pretty sad about it. Her name is midnight 😢 I’m sorry once again for your loss! It’s really hard to lose an animal that was close to you
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Ahhhhhh she was beautiful, I am so sorry for your loss. Jesus has you in his hands holding you, let the tears out. I lost my 1st and only Easter Egger when she was only 3 months old and I was devastated. I cried for days, she was my favorite of the flock and loved to snuggle her head into my hair and take a nap. God heals our pain in time. *hugs* 🤗🙏
Ahhhhhh she was beautiful, I am so sorry for your loss. Jesus has you in his hands holding you, let the tears out. I lost my 1st and only Easter Egger when she was only 3 months old and I was devastated. I cried for days, she was my favorite of the flock and loved to snuggle her head into my hair and take a nap. God heals our pain in time. *hugs* 🤗🙏
Thank you!
Just some minutes ago I went over to my henhouse of 68 chickens to open up and give them water. I opened the door and saw my sweet Lucille, silver laced wyandotte with a single comb hatched in March, on the floor dead. Chickens were picking at her dead body. I didn't notice anything wrong with her last night! Though I also didn't sit and study every birds behavior either. I'm heartbroken! I know God's in control, but this is the first time in a while I've balled so hard. :hit
I'm so sorry for your loss. :hugs :hugs

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