I'm hoping to get some great advice on building a coop.


8 Years
Feb 27, 2011
My 1st coop ended as a cool garden shed, but now I'm seriously hoping to make my new project into a coop so I can get a few chickens. I got a 5 sided gazebo-esk like cage that is approx 58" wide and 67" tall without the shingled roof. It has a branch perch across the whole width and a couple of shelf perches (not committed to these). I would like to put in 2 nest boxes and would like to attach a run, (room is no problem). I live in Western Washington State so our winters are usually not too harsh, just wet. I don't have trees near the location I want to put the coop (is that a problem?), so I know I will need to cover some sides. I have been reading alot and have some ideas what I'd like to do, but I am open to any suggestions. After spending the day reading alot of the forums I know this is the best place to get it.
I uploaded a couple of pictures but a message keeps coming up that tells me there's a problem with spam and I have to reduce the number of URLs or images to 0. So once I get that figured out I will post them so it's alittle easier to see what I am trying to do. Any help greatly appreciated!
Well, you have to have a certain number of posts before you can actually upload or link to images. That's just to make sure you aren't An Evil Spammer.

Post questions in various forums and you're post count will quickly reach the minimum (I don't know how many it is).

BYC is, indeed, the very best place to learn and gather information!!!!! I couldn't have done half as well as I've done without BYC. And when I screw up or need assistance, I know exactly where to come.

Looking forward to your photos!
Thanks so much! This is a whole new world and there is so much information. I feel like I am having a censory overload! I am hoping that if I take it slow and go with the coop first I will be the most sucessful!
FAR better plan than some folks who get cute little fuzzybutt chicks and then come here asking how to take care of them, not even thinking about coops yet.

Even with 6 - 8 weeks in a brooder, it may take a bit of time to get adequate outdoors lodging and secure coop/run for 'em before they need it.

You will find the most helpful and friendly (and opinionated) people here to offer you assistance.
I did manage to get a couple of pictures on my profile picture so if that's any help!

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