im in for a fight .....I LOST!!!!

i really feel for you girlfriend. i think that this nationwide movement should have some effect on our city council people. after all, they are people too. have faith! i am going through one hell of an ordeal and so are thankfull for this forum. thank you!
Wow - I just read this whole thing. I'll say a prayer for you tonight!

Good for you and all you've done! Hope to hear good news tomorrow!!! (Get some sleep
well, I'm at home, i went to the meeting tonight, i was not allowed to speak...unless i was asked a question, so when they got to my issue, (the amendment)the city manager , who i thought was kinda on my side, did a 360 on me!.....but a super smart & nice council woman came back swinging!!! she had been on the phone calling all the cities that allow chickens and she had names & numbers!! she really went to bat for me!! then another council man came up to the plate, he did a good job too!! .....then the mayor came up and also said some great things, then here comes the city manager with , what if people want cows & goats too, (omg) the council woman came right back at him, she looked the city attorney dead n the eye,& asked him, cant you write up some legal work pertaining to just chickens? of course he said he could!! well, at this point I'm just beaming!!! but city manager just has to throw a wrench in the works, he wants the council people not to rush into anything to fast & that serious thought must be made before such a decision is made, (omg) well here comes my council woman again, she told the city manager to call all the people she called and he would see there are no problems with chickens in the cities! and she also said if Raleigh & Durham which are way bigger than our town can handle chickens in the city, there's no reason why we cant!! and she asked our city attorney again could he draw up legal papers also on a case by case basis, and of course he said yes, so now, i have to wait on the city manager to call all of the cities and get feedback about it, so our next meeting is Feb 9th, so maybe ill know something then, but from what i saw tonight, everyone is on board except the city manager, i might win this, i know this is gonna be in the paper.................sooo, what do ya all think??

this is what i found on our online news tonight:

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City manager to study chicken issue more
Chickens could still come home to roost in Roanoke Rapids.

At least city Councilwoman Suetta Scarbrough wants City Manager Paul Sabiston to talk with other cities where people are allowed to keep them.

While Sabiston said in a memo to council contained in the tonight’s work session agenda he didn’t recommend pursuing the matter, Scarbrough, who did her own research, indicated it would only be fair to the person who made the request — Penny Avent — to more thoroughly study the matter.

Sabiston contended in the memo, “Since there has not been a wide public demand to house chickens in our city limits, I do not recommend that we pursue this request at the risk of expending limited resources in permitting and/or policing.”

Avent came to city council last month asking the panel to change the city ordinance to allow chickens.

In a letter to council, Avent wrote, “The change would have many positive benefits such as our ability to take control of our food source and locally grown food requires less valuable natural resources to get it to your table.”

Avent requested the city consider an ordinance amendment with rules such as 100 percent containment, at least 50 percent of the neighbors agreeing to let chickens be contained in backyards and possible permits to allow them.

“Miss Avent presented a really good presentation on why we should have it done,” Scarbrough said.

Rocky Mount, she said, has had no problems with chickens while in Wake Forest you can have 10 hens but no roosters. Henderson has had no problems with chickens, Scarbrough said. “My thinking is the city has a lot of serious problems and having chickens is not high on the list but it is to you,” she said to Avent. “If we have guidelines I don’t see why people can’t have them.”

Councilman Carl Ferebee said he had mixed emotions on the matter. “I grew up on a farm so I know they can be kept well ... I’m not opposed but not totally for it. If it can be kept within reason with the neighbors, if some of the largest towns can do it within reason, maybe we could do it.”

Ferebee said the matter should be judged case-by-case and not a use by right. “We’ve denied goats and other animals in the past. I’m open to addressing and looking at it.”

Councilman Greg Lawson asked, “Where do you draw the line if someone wants farm animals other than chickens? We want to find balance. That concerns me.”

Scarbrough requested Sabiston call other towns “and see if we can come to some understanding about it,” and Councilman Ernest Bobbitt asked the city manager check with Raleigh and Durham, too.

“You might want to ask about other animals,” Lawson said.

Mayor Emery Doughtie said after Sabiston explores the matter it will be determined whether it needs to come back on the agenda. “I look around and see people smiling. We have some real large issues in town. It depends on the person. Chickens are probably more important (to Avent) than the theater is. I think we owe dignity, respect and due diligence.”

Avent, who raised chickens before at her home before being told they were against the ordinance, told following the discussion she was pleased the matter wasn’t dropped. “It gives me a lot of hope. I know there are more important things. I miss them.”
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You are a strong woman. Hang in there! That would drive anyone mad! But it does sound like you have alot of backing. Does the city manager have the final say or is there a vote? I love the comment about what's next...a goat? No, but perhaps an elephant.
What a stupid thing to say, as if you don't have control over what's written. The issue doesn't have to be all or nothing. But I'm preaching to the choir, here.

Anyway, hang in there. It's got to end sometime and hopefully in your favor. Is this a no brainer or what?
i believe there has to be a vote, i wish they had voted tonight, the city manager only voiced his opinion, if they had voted, i think it would have won, the city manager doesnt get to vote.
Do you really have 50 cats???

Why the heck then do they raise a stink over a few silkies? Silkies aren't chickens anyway they are exoctic birds along the lines of Cockatoos. For that matter Parrots make a much louder racket per bird than any silkie could manage. Hope all goes well for you.
Woohoo for Suetta Scarbrough!!

City councils need more Suettas!

Do they vote on the 9th? I can't imagine them finding anything that would turn them against the idea before then. Hang in there! Even if it takes longer, don't let them forget about you!
The city where I work allows Chickens. There is a ordinance that allows a 25 limit and you can even have roos and I have yet to hear a crowing rooster complaint only barking dog complaints.
lol, yes probably more than 50!! alot of them i have had spayed & neutered, but they just keep showing up!! i have to feed them, feral cats don't live long, so i want them fed & happy as long as i can do it., also, any thing that eats ill feed it, i just cant help it.........and yes parrots are very noisy and messy, i have a Quaker I've had him about 13 yrs i love him to pieces, but he is a mess! and thank you for the encouragement!

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