im in for a fight .....I LOST!!!!

left you a comment too
"fellow byc member"
I just posted this on the news site!

BYC member in TEXAS
I believe the city manager must have been attacked by a chicken as a child. To flat deny a person the right to raise their own food is absured. I agree there should be laws to govern the keeping of animals in the city. If they are kept, cared for, and housed in a humane manner, healthy, and not attacking any one. Where is the problem? You have dogs barking, running wild, and tearing up trash. You have late night parties. You have all the normal disturbances. BUT, the city manager is worried about some penned, friendly, well maintained chickens. They have never been complained about! If you are going to deny a paerson the right to grow their own food.(eggs and chicken) Then you need to round up every one who is growing their own gardens aswell. No one has complained about them either but What is the difference???? Come on get real. Is this the only problem you have? Let her have her chickens! Pass an ordinance. Make it case by case. If a person can prove that they will be taken care of and not bother any one they can have them. GROW UP! MOVE ON! GIVE HER THE BIRDS!!!!!! Shame on the city manager for dragging this out. it would have been done with and she would have her birds if not for him. HE is causing this time to be wasted. She presented her case. She had a solid case backed up by her neighbors signatures. APPROVED! NEXT on the agenda
I hope it works out!

Good luck and God Bless!
This is all very well and good, but it's really evident you haven't read anything else but up to the point where the ordinance was posted. She IS in compliance, she IS working from a "position of compliance", and she IS working hard and making a concerted effort to change the law. The city manager is NOT "helping guide her in the process", but there are city councilmembers who ARE.

Please read the entire story before chastising. You have good points, but they don't all apply here.

You're very much mistaken in your summary judgment of my comments, I did read everything that was posted on this thread to date, and I stand by every word I said.

I have dealt with a lot of City Council critters in my day, and I assure you that this tack is not going to be particularly fruitful, because they do not like being pressured for exceptions to long standing laws. In my view, attempting to bluster your way out of a situation like this one, where animal control and codes compliance are already involved is inviting disaster. Localities that get pushed into a corner like this tend to default to the Law, and since they are the Law in many cases, you are at a disadvantage.

I recognize that many people do not like to hear this, but at some point it may behoove one to listen to what they need to hear, as opposed to seeking out what they want to hear, especially concerning legal advice via the internet. That is not chastising, and I make no apology for speaking the truth, based on facts and personal experience. Ignorance of the law is rarely an acceptable excuse when you are standing in front of a judge.

I believe it is a mistake to try and resolve a situation like this one with bluster and online petitions. If there is an Ordinance in place like this one, and you have chickens on your property, then you are clearly in violation of that Ordinance. It really is that clear. Continue at your own risk, just start putting some funds aside to pay the fines.

And one more thought.

Has anyone here had the temerity to recommend this poor woman to a competent attorney?? Perhaps she might even get a free consult.

In any case, if a Lawyer who is familiar with local laws takes a look at a matter like this it would save a lot of time, trouble, and senseless interweb flamewars...

Love ya all....

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You're very much mistaken in your summary judgment of my comments, I did read everything that was posted on this thread to date, and I stand by every word I said.

I have dealt with a lot of City Council critters in my day, and I assure you that this tack is not going to be particularly fruitful, because they do not like being pressured for exceptions to long standing laws. In my view, attempting to bluster your way out of a situation like this one, where animal control and codes compliance are already involved is inviting disaster. Localities that get pushed into a corner like this tend to default to the Law, and since they are the Law in many cases, you are at a disadvantage.

I recognize that many people do not like to hear this, but at some point it may behoove one to listen to what they need to hear, as opposed to seeking out what they want to hear, especially concerning legal advice via the internet. That is not chastising, and I make no apology for speaking the truth, based on facts and personal experience. Ignorance of the law is rarely an acceptable excuse when you are standing in front of a judge.

I believe it is a mistake to try and resolve a situation like this one with bluster and online petitions. If there is an Ordinance in place like this one, and you have chickens on your property, then you are clearly in violation of that Ordinance. It really is that clear. Continue at your own risk, just start putting some funds aside to pay the fines.


hi chieftain, i do respect your opinion, but i don't have the chickens on my property,the minute they said they had to be removed they were, if i don't petition, they wont realize what I'm trying to do, i am being very respectful to all the council members and the city manager, and the mayor, and all of them have told me that, and i do see i have alot of support, but i know there is always a chance i might not win, but at least WE that's all of us, gave it our best shot.
She should have figured that out all by herself, just like she should have understood that she shouldn't have kept the chickens in the first place and attempted to change the ordnance or have it declared moot by a court.

A competent attorney, weather familiar with the local laws or not, could have a field day with that ordinance.

I too have had a bit of experience with local elected and non elected officials. They posture, prevaricate, delay, obstruct, and hide anyway they can. Frequently it is only public outcries or adverse publicity that motivates them to change things.

I think it mildly comical and very refreshing that the elected officials in this case are actually discussing changing things and it is their (and frequently their only true) employee that is tossing the spanner into things.

Unlike Sonoran Silkies I believe that the manager should be given more rope, that might just cause the council to order him to see that an ordinance is actually produced for their contemplation.

Unfortunately workshop sessions are not usually open debate situations.

You do not get any votes taken because the public hasn't been notified that the items are up for consideration and approval.

Even when things are up for consideration and approval one has to be careful as to how you ask questions and staying within your alloted time when speaking.

As for folks here piling on it isn't required, it is the folks that live where onecent does that should be helping to change that unenforcible ordnance.

The folks here should have a very long list of the reasons to be able to keep chickens and point by point counters to every bogus argument put forth by the opposition that can be shared with the folks where onecent lives.
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She should have figured that out all by herself, just like she should have understood that she shouldn't have kept the chickens in the first place and attempted to change the ordnance or have it declared moot by a court.

A competent attorney, weather familiar with the local laws or not, could have a field day with that ordinance.

I too have had a bit of experience with local elected and non elected officials. They posture, prevaricate, delay, obstruct, and hide anyway they can. Frequently it is only public outcries or adverse publicity that motivates them to change things.

I think it mildly comical and very refreshing that the elected officials in this case are actually discussing changing things and it is their (and frequently their only true) employee that is tossing the spanner into things.

Unlike Sonoran Silkies I believe that the manager should be given more rope, that might just cause the council to order him to see that an ordinance is actually produced for their contemplation.

Unfortunately workshop sessions are not usually open debate situations.

You do not get any votes taken because the public hasn't been notified that the items are up for consideration and approval.

Even when things are up for consideration and approval one has to be careful as to how you ask questions and staying within your alloted time when speaking.

As for folks here piling on it isn't required, it is the folks that live where onecent does that should be helping to change that unenforcible ordnance.

The folks here should have a very long list of the reasons to be able to keep chickens and point by point counters to every bogus argument put forth by the opposition that can be shared with the folks where onecent lives.

Lots of good comments here.

I absolutely agree that it should be LOCAL opinion that determines the ordinance. I WILL NOT sign petitions or send messages to officials in another jurisdiction. I feel it to be highly inappropriate to interfere in a government that is not mine.

I would be OUTRAGED to find out that the officials who are elected by me and my fellow citizens of city/county/state/federal level (whichever it may be) paid any attention to the opinions of a non-citizen. Would you want China, England or Egypt to have input into US laws? Should Montana citizens have say in the laws enacted in Virginia? It is the same thing. Providing correct and valid information and resources to a citizen to present as he/she pleases is another thing entirely.

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