I'm Just getting Started. All advice is welcome.


10 Years
Jan 4, 2010
Texarkana, TX
Hello all,
I am building up my coop and run now for my first chicks. I will be expecting them in mid February. I want to raise astrolorp hens crossed with black giant roos. Eventualy I want to raise up a huge brown egg layer. I am beginning on a long and hopefully proffitable adventure. I know It will take years and money but I want to breed up the largest brown egg layers ever. In body and egg size. I am thinking on starting with 22 astro hens and 3 Blk Giant roos. Selling the culls and some eggs along the way to help offset the cost. Any advice would be appreciated. I have been reading up and studying on the net for a while now. I am preparing a list of meds and anything else I might need. I like to be prepared. I always plan for the worst, Hope for the best, and just except what I can't change. I have a few more Items to add to my run and coop. I am going to move the nest boxes to the outside of the coop to save room. ( an idea i got from BYC) and I am going to put an electric fence around and above the coop. I have alot of wild dogs around here. I dont want to shoot them unless I have to.Wish me luck! thanks and good brooding!
(I have already been advised not to buy from a hatchery if I want size, production yes but size no!)
Hello, and Welcome!

You sound like you have an interesting project going there. The thing with Jersey Giants though, is that they take a long time to grow, and mine are terrible layers. They haven’t been a bird for me anyway that really pays for its keep. So breeding the Jersey Roosters to the Australorp hens I think is the better solution of the two. Hopefully the cross with Black Australorp will help out a lot in egg production. Do keep in mind that most don’t want a huge bird for egg laying as the feed to egg ratio isn’t very efficient. But, this does sound like a neat project, so let us know what happens.

I think the best brown egg layers are the Sex-Links so if you want to toss another bird into the question maybe the Black Sex-Link, their eggs are huge, but they only average I think 6lb. I wonder what a cross of Black Sex Link X Jersey Giant X Black Australorp or Black Sex Link X Jersey Giant would make.

Good luck!
Actually that is exactly what I was thinking. I have a longer and more elaborate plan. I just put out the basics (short and sweet) lol I have been planning this for about 2 years. I have been doing alot of studying. I am just wanting to make sure I don't over look anything. I hate the unexpected!!! I know that it is going to be alot of culling and trial and error. and ALOT of notes!!! but I love chickens and I have always loved science. It's kinda like, now I get to play mad scientist and make up my own breed. Hopefuly? but thank you, I really appreciate any and all advice. The more the better! I might or might not already know it but some one else reading may find it useful if not myself. So Please, ANY and ALL advice or comments, Positive or Negative are welcome!
Thanx again,
The plan so far is to introduce the sex link at the 2nd or 3rd Generation to improve productivity. Then selective breeding using the astrolorp-blk giant-sex link crosses, mix's and matches, genetics and lots and lots and LOTS of notes! If my figures are correct, in about 10-12 years I should have my perfect bird. I know what I want to do. And I believe I know how to do it. I know how long it should take and am ready to attempt it. I just hate to fail at anything! I really don't want to fail when it envolves a living things life! Fortunatly, my church can use all the culls to help feed the needy. gotta go, I am at work lol

Please leave comments, Thanx
You hate the unexpected
then maybe chickens aren't right for you. I am kidding, it sounds good, and I like the idea of adding the Sex-Link further down in the generations as this should help bring the productivity of the bird. However, I am wondering the effect that this will have on the birds size.

What is really going to help you achieve the size you want is good breeding, which isn't very likely with Black-Sex Links. So for the sake of size I would think that you would want someone with some good quality Rhode Island Reds, and Barred Rock. If you look at some people who have non-hatchery RIR some of them are double the size of hatchery RIR, or so it seems. Have you thought about the Black Orpington, my Orpington lay much better then my Jersey Giant, and are the same size.
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Well I always try to plan for everything. No matter how remote. My wife gets aggrivated at me because I have a whole roadtrip kit. (panty hose, duct tape, bailing wire, pliers, pocket knife, cresent wrench, vise grips, lighter, T.P. and a little more stuff) I never leave home with out! LOL but any way........
I never thought about using the orp. I don't know any one who has any. I just ruled them out based on just what I have read about size. I guess I really need to try harder to find some local breeders. The only problem I have is most of the breeders around here have been raising fighting cocks. There are some really beautiful birds but they are too agressive. Thanks for the info. I guess I need to start really looking around harder for local birds. I might even find some better genes to build onto. (I can't get that lucky) lol
Thank You
With a project like this, I assume you will be incubating eggs quite often. I also assume the bator will be small, 20 or less. Check thesites on here for hatching eggs from ruputable members. I agree, the Jersey Giant is not always bigger then some of the other breeds, just has a bigger name.
Have you thought about fertile hatching eggs? You will need an incubator, but it is a way to get some bloodines that aren't local. I know where I live there isn't much to work with as well. Chicken owners aren't hard to find, but good breeders are.

Sandhill Preservation Center has Black Orpingtons, and Jersey Giants. From what I hear they are pretty good breeders, so it wouldn't surprise me if they had nice Black Jersey Giants as well. You could possibly contact the owner to ask who he thinks would be better for laying purposes. Sandhill sells chicks

If you want hatching eggs you may want to check out
https://www.backyardchickens.com/forum/viewtopic.php?id=267604 corrancher
http://www.hinkjcpoultry.com/ hinkjc
and I am sure there are more on here as well.

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