I'm losing one chicken a week..I need advice.

I don't have oyster shell out. the lady at the feed store told me that the feed wad complete wish all the nutrients they needed. and also the egg shells are thick. but I would be willing to try some if it would help.
because of crowding and confinement, your chickens are turning into cannibals. Make getting that run the first immediate priority. take off work if you have to. You can temporarily use netting, chicken wire, or nothing. Get it done.

I would risk free ranging right now, because they are dying anyway.

Also, provide as much distraction as possible in their teeny tiny coop. Put different levels in there, and provide hiding places (crates put on their side), haybales, boxes, etc.

Sprinkle boss (black sunflower seeds) in the bedding to give them something to go after besides each other.
Tie a cabbage up and hang it from a rope.
Cut open a squash and put it out for them to chew on

These are things to give them something to do besides eat each other.

Get some "blue kote" it comes in a little spray can. Don't use the other brand of blue antiseptic spray because your birds will scream when it comes into contact with wounds. Use blue kote. Reason is it has gentian violet, and it will turn red blood wounds into purple - chickens are attracted to red/blood and will peck more.
Agree with all pervious posters
Great advice
Thanks to everyone who posted. very good advice. this is the first year of raising chickens for me and I'm learning as I go. thanks once again. oh..by the way..I let them out to rangelate yesterday afternoon..7out if 12 left the coop..only problem was they didn't know how to get back in..I ended up having to catch all seven of them after dark and place them back in the coop..now that was a task!! lol
they will eventually learn to go back in on their own.
In the meantime, teach them to come when you call - easiest way to do this is to have a can or plastic bowl with BOSS or treats in it, shake it to make noise as you call or whistle. You want them to associate the noise of the shaking can/bowl and your call with treats.

Start calling them and rewarding them when they are very close to you, increase distance as you go. Try really hard not to call without treats to reward them - then when it really counts (when, oh say, you need to put them in unexpectedly, or when there is a dog in the area, etc) you can get them in on a moments notice.

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