I'm loving quail

Aug 18, 2021
So I'm new to quail, other than the million wild ones around here. We invested in 30 recently, and I'm in love.
The babies were so tiny. 11 didn't make the trip but (hatchery order) they sent extras against that eventuality so we ended up with 22.
Now I'm wondering, why can't i keep a mated pair as big bird cage pets? I love the contented sound they make!
Has anyone done this? Opinions? Advice?
Coturnix quail? If so, the ideal ratio is one male to five females. If you try to keep them in pairs, you will likely end up with an over mated hen. At best, this will mean a bald hen. At worst, you'll have a scalped and dead one.

Another thing about keeping them indoors is that they produce a lot of dust. There is a condition known as bird fancier's lung that people can develop if they keep birds indoors.

Quail can be good pets as long as you understand that they are game birds. Unless you are prepared to spend a LOT of time with them, they will be more ornamental than cuddly.
Coturnix quail? If so, the ideal ratio is one male to five females. If you try to keep them in pairs, you will likely end up with an over mated hen. At best, this will mean a bald hen. At worst, you'll have a scalped and dead one.

Another thing about keeping them indoors is that they produce a lot of dust. There is a condition known as bird fancier's lung that people can develop if they keep birds indoors.

Quail can be good pets as long as you understand that they are game birds. Unless you are prepared to spend a LOT of time with them, they will be more ornamental than cuddly.
Ok, good to know. I have one inside right now. She had a wonky leg since hatching. Or at least since we got her from the hatchery. But she's unhappy and it's easy to tell after just one day. So she's going back out tonight. These are plain old bobwhite quail. I very much enjoy learning about the different bird species! Always had chickens and turkeys. Just now branching out. Thank you!
Bobwhites do well in pairs, but they are even less likely to be tame pets than coturnix. If you can set up an indoor aviary for decoration, they would make a nice bit of scenery like an aquarium.
There was one female in our group of 22 that we received with a bad leg. I tried bringing her inside for a couple days. She was decidedly unhappy. She gets around quite well, if a bit slowly, with the rest of the covey, so i returned her with no ill effects from her peers.
This iteration we are keeping all the hens and 1 male for every 5-7ish females. We hope to breed.
I don't eat chicken or turkey and rarely eggs, though i love all my 35 chicken girls. They are a bit spoiled, lol. I do like quail meat, however. and pickled quail eggs. So it's just as well they don't tame down, i suppose. LOL! That's the intent. I tried that with rabbits. I couldn't kill them, ultimately gave them away. So we shall see...

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