I'm nervous about my EE


13 Years
Apr 7, 2010
Farmington NM
Over the last few months I've watched my hen EE get picked on by the other hens. She has lost a lot, but not all, of her feathers on her sides and the underside of her neck. She insists on being on the top roost and the others will have nothing of it, this is where (I believe) she has lost most of her feathers. But now all at once she stays in the nest box all day and night and won't come out. I've picked her up and set her down in the yard, but after a while she gets panicked and wants to go back in. Also she has this little nub looking thing back by her tail that she keeps nibbling on and rubbing her head on. Does anyone know what this is?
Am I going to lose her?
Sorry to hear this. I have some stuff called black diamond not sure what its called today or if its still available but it stinks. I have out that on chicks that have had issues being pecked or plucked the others don't like the smell. I think there is something called blukote now that basically does same thing. My next idea would be to contact my local feed store (lol they seem to know alot there at times) or a vet and see is there is soemthing that would help keep others from pecking or plucking her.

I wish you luck and the very best for your EE
I wondered if she might be broody, but she's just been acting strange. She'll all at once flap her wings and make a lot of noise. And then that thing by her tail that she keeps biting.
During the 4 months that I attemted to integrate a single hen into an established flock, the hen hid in the nest box all night because the others would peck at her but during the day she would just run from them, I didn't clip her wings like I did the others.

and I agree that thing is the oil gland.
I painted her with "Pick no more" and that didn't help. (She took it off herself) I guess if I can get her to be "un broody?" then I'll see if I can locate some of that blukote stuff. Thanks everyone for your help.
And thanks for letting me know about the oil gland thing.

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