I'm new to BYC, howdy!


May 15, 2015
Central California - Bay Area
Hey everyone,
I've used this forum for months, and I finally decided that I might as well become an "official" member! I'm currently starting to clear an area for the coop I will be building, and as soon as that's done I can buy the chicks, raise them inside while I build the coop, and then finally get to managing my new flock! I'll probably have some specific questions later, and I hope my questions won't be too repetitive and obvious for everyone else. Looking forward to everything!
Welcome to Backyard chickens. A lot of the forums could answer your questions and maybe even with photos. The coops section, predators, The Learning center and Raising Backyard Chickens forum.. are all great reads.
Thank you for your advice! As I said, I've been reading this for a while, but I'm always discovering new things that I didn't know. I don't have to worry too much about predators since my coop design is quite sturdy, plus I'm in an urban area in California so my few chickens should be fine. My questions will be more around the lines of "Is this dimension of my coop ok?" or "Which color scheme should I use?" haha

Welcome to BYC and the coop! There's a lot of great peeps here! Feel free to ask lots of questions. But most of all, make yourself at home. I'm so glad you decided to joined the BYC family. :frow
Good luck with your coop and your future girls.
glad you have joined us.


1- build larger than you think, don't use minimum requirements. Think of the water fount and feeder as 2 chicken spaces. If you plan to add flock blocks, count it as a third chicken..
2- try to locate the nests and roosts so poop doesn't fall in front of the nests to keep it out of the nests.
3- think about how you plan to maintain the coop and run and build it so you can easily access all areas without bending over.
4- if you select breeds with broody tendencies, add and extra nest.
5- have fun and enjoy every minute of your planning and get ready for the arrival of you new flock.

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