I'm not trying to be difficult...

my dear husband, who volunteered to build the coop to MY specifications

And you BELIEVED him?????

Before our 2nd child, we always did these types of projects together. Now, it's just too hard with both the little ones with us at the same time. I mean, seriously, we have completely re-modeled our home, except for our bathrooms which he did before we got together. Just last year, we gutted our old bedroom to make it into the kids room and even refinished the original hardwood floors together... at the same time, we designed and built our closet in our new bedroom. Totally did it all together. Everything went really smooth.

I am sooo appreciative that he wants to do this... wants to help. But when he makes it more difficult in the long run, that's where I have to say something.

Basically, the way he put the bottom roost in there... I have NO PLACE for our feeders or waterers. Seriously. I think I need to gently remind him of this fact. Gently. Gentle.... yah... I'm going to try. Very hard.
Roost is out. Just out completley. I really didn't work in the bottom section anyway. Now, all that's left is the front doors. I told him that as long as I can open and shut them completely on my own, and that I will have total access, he can make them any way he wants. He's planning on making the bottom one with a vent section and the top one will just be solid. Then he just needs to sand the edges of the nexting box doors (they stick on the hinges) and it's done on the inside. DONE.

Let's just pray that there are no more casulties along the way! LOL
Just put your trust in him and know that he is doing the best that he can to please you. I think it is hard to visualize what some one else visualize. Happy to hear the project is about finished:ya
Dads can babysit!!!!!!!!!
Tell him you've had it with being cooped up in the house with the kids and would he mind if you traded places for a little while. Football is on!
Dad can baby sit but only AFTER he/she is no longer attached to the mom.
I think you will just have to exercise your patience until you are no longer toting that little one around. after that, I agree, let dad take em and you can fix the coop how you want it. LOL

OK, my wife helped me trim a couple of houses, that makes her a Master Carpenter, from foundation to C.O. So on our coop I just did the old smile and nod my head. I'm always glad to have so many questions and direction when I'm doing something I've done my whole life. I grew up with chickens with my Grandparents, my wife never had them, but now I'm am being told what they need. Somehow we met in the middle, more to my side than her's
Oh, and She also has the really hard job of gathering the eggs. Somehow I think I've been had.
Oh, yes, getting chickens for the grandson somehow became her idea, go figure.

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